Anbulla Snegithi Sun Tv Serial

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Anbulla Snegithi Sun Tv SerialAnbulla Snegithi Sun Tv Serial

I am new to this Forums and i have read many of the fan fiction that was posted here since my chellia thangachi a specail friend of mine send me links to them.Just to mention a few of those stories FF's by nallu,Alaipaayuthey FF by Veda and of course FF based on kadhalikka neram illai - a joint venture by Anu and Pradha. I have fell in love with all the stories i have read here. I guess many of you wonderful writers who have inspired me to write again after many years. I am not really a strong writer as the rest of you ladies are.but i hope you do enjoy reading my story as well, i am looking forward hearing all your feedback and to making some wonderful friends here as well. ~Prologue~ When you think of the word friendship many different quotes may come to your mind. Some of you might say 'a friend is a God gift', while others might say 'Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you.'

You can find a friend just about anywhere, at school, at work, on the bus, train, at the gym. Since 'Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.' Most importantly 'No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some impact on us forever.' Here is story about friendship called Anbulla snegithiye Part two. It's about two friends, who are totally different from each other as you herd opposites do attract. Here is a story about Anjali and Priya. Like how love is wonderful so is friendship.

Since they both make life colorful and are wonderful chapters in our life, I promise not to drag this story as a mega serial. Hopefully in life you met a friend like Anjali and Priya, you might fall in love with them, you might not like them at all, well they just interesting characters.For Anjali her friend Priya is an unforgettable friend Who knows maybe they live next door to you. Anyways this story will be told by Anjali in a flashback version.let me tell you a little secret of the title.

Since many years ago this was a very popular serial on sun tv and it was Anjali and Priya all time favorite serial. I hope you all enjoy the story!!! ~Chapter List~ Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10: Edited by aisha_muka1984 - 09 February 2010 at 8:13pm. Chapter 1 Anjali There i was at Sanjeev wedding reception, i didn't even want to go to it in the first place since i knew there were some people i didn't want to see after such a long time since so much has happened in the past between us.Also at sanjeev wedding i was only the single girl there all my friends were either married or were dating someone. Well sanjeev told me if i didn't show up at his wedding reception he would never talk to me ever again in life.

So i decided to face my fears and attend it after all. The hall was packed with people.

Some of my friends and i had such a hard time finding a table. We finally found a table near the front of the stage and as i sat down. I saw Priya sitting in the table in front of my table in between her future sister in law manju and her boyfriend Vijay. Once Vijay saw me he moved to another chair where he couldn't see me. I tried not to take it to heart and i turned around to face the stage. The Promised Land Torrent Download more. But deep inside i felt so hurt.

A part of me wanted to runaway from there. But it was not that easy to do so. I kept on telling my self i had to to be a good friend to sanjeev since he was like my best friend. I sat there fighting my tears but in the end of the night when everyone was on the dance floor i couldn't take it anymore. I had a melt down in the girls washroom. I sat there crying and remembered everything that happened in the past. I felt like killing myself that night since the pain i was in was way too much.

Priya was suppose to me my unforgettable friend. I met her when i was studying in grade 10 i met her at a bus stand. Till this day i remember our first conversation it is still fresh in my mind. Even though before that i have seen her around school i never really talk to her except for that day. We were both waiting to catch the bus to go to school in the bus stand. Since there was only Priya and i in the bus stand.

She said are you Tamil? I said yes and she asked me do you watch Tamil movies? Then see asked me who my favorite Tamil actor was so i told her. Anyways then the bus came and we both got on and we talked on the bus until school came and when we reached the school we were in a rush to go to our lockers and attend class early in the morning. After that i hardly saw her around.

Well i did talk to her relative Rani a couple of times since we were in the same math class and Rani use to help me with math since she was good at it and i was week at it.when speaking to Rani i found out that she and Priya were from the place in their homeland in Sri Lanka and that they both were relatives. Well it seemed like they weren't good friends after all since they were both real different from each other. Rani was more into her studies and Priya was more boy crazy and the only thing they both had in common was Tamil Cinema. I guess that is the only think Priya and i had in common as well. Anyways after i saw Priya at the bus stand i once again bumped into at a bus stand but this one was near our school. It was the day where school finished early since the teachers had some meeting. It was raining outside and many of the students were standing in the bus stand and it was packed and Priya was the only one that was standing outside.

Well Rani and my sister Reenu was standing inside the bus stand with me. There was this car that pulled up at the bus stand and there was like two boys sitting in the car. Well one of the guys got out of the car and he came and stood next to Priya and he was talking to her.

He looked like a Tamil guy, he was really short and he had a bread he looked like he was in his late 20's or mid 20's. Computer Architecture By Nicholas P Carter Pdf To Excel. I wasn't sure how old he was. Anyways i couldn't hear what they were talking about.

And Rani looked at them and she looked at me and just smiled i didn't know what her simile was all about but i did simile at her even though i was still clueless. Since the bus was coming and since they had to move their car the guy got in his car and drove away. Since the bus was there everyone pushed each other to get in the bus since its hard to get a seat in the bus and it not nice standing in the bus with a heavy book bag. Anyways i thought that boy Priya talk to was a relative i didn't care too much about it. That day Priya got off at the first stop near the mall and Reenu my sister made me get off at the second stop near the mall since she wanted to show me a CK perfume in the mall.

Just when we were going to enter the store in the mall we saw the same boy from the bus-stand and Reenu and i just looked at each other for a second then we saw Priya. She was walking with her head facing the ground. Well my sister Reenu thought that was funny and she laughed when we got in the store. I didn't find it to be funny but i thought it was weird for the first time in my life in Canada i saw a girl walking like that. Since that is something i have seen in movies and something i saw back home and my grandma once told me that a girl walks with her head facing the ground and when she walks behind her husband. Since that is a part of the cultural.

Since the man walks tall and proud. Well my sister Reenu did not know any of this since she came to Canada when she was a baby and she grew up to be very modern.unlike me who came here when i was five and i grew up with my grandparents and they told me a lot of the cultural and customs. Well i really enjoyed that day in the mall with Reenu since me and her don't really get along we always fight with each other and Reenu never talks in a kind way she always makes fun at me whatever chance she gets. Reenu would always say that our mom adopted me. But that day i was really happy to have Reenu as my sister since i noticed she was very brave and i admired her because of what happen when we got out of the mall. Too be continued. Edited by Tamilangel - 10 February 2010 at 2:01pm.

Chapter 2 Well when Reenu and i got out of the mall we saw Priya and we both saw the same guy again this time they were walking side by side to each other and they were talking back and forth. Even though we were walking behind them we couldn't hear anything they were talking about. When her building where she lives in was near he stopped right in front of the building beside hers. We needed to pass him in order to get to the building where we lived. I was so scared to pass him, during that time i was soooo scared about Tamil boys since all you hear about in the media is gangster and the violence they do and about them kidnap girls and raping them. Well stories of that nature were really popular in the medias especially on in news papers since you hear about girls that go missing well.anyways i was sooooo scared that i told my sister lets go another way and my sister wouldn't listen to me.

She said if we go the other way the guy is going to think we are scared of him him he will come a bug us after too. I felt that my sister had a point. So i agreed to go the way he was standing in. But i let my sister walk in front of me since i was sooooo scared. As i walked behind my sister i kept on saying in my head oh god i am so scared, not only i was scared but i was really nervous as well that when i was right in front of him i slipped on the ice on the ground thank god my sister was in front of me so i was holding on to her shoulders and i was so mad since that guy said hare rama akka watch where you going. I was sooo pissed since he called me akka.

For god sakes he could of been my uncle. He was soo old. When we reached home that day we told our mom, aunty and our grandmother what had happened. Everyone laughed when they heard about the hare rama akka part and then my grandma knew i was upset by it so she told me not to worry and how in our cultural people say akka when they don't know someone age it is out of respect. So the next day i told Rani what had happened and then she told me a story about the same boy and Priya and i was really shocked. Too be continued Edited by aisha_muka1984 - 17 February 2010 at 10:34pm. Rani told me that once when Priya and her were walking home from school.This same guy came.

Rani ended up telling him that she doesn't speak Tamil. That day he ended up talking to Priya and he told her that she was pretty and she ended up telling him a lot of things about her such as her birthday and where she lives.I was really shocked when i herd all this since i couldn't believe someone would tell all this to a total stranger. I remember when i was little my parents use to tell not to eat candy when a stranger gives it to us and not to talk to anyone we don't know. I was shocked that Priya was 15 years old and she didn't know this. Well Rani didn't stop there she told me that Priya was boy crazy. She would talk about boys all the time. Priya would go on the internet and chat with a lot of people most of them were boys.I really couldn't believe what i was hearing.

I realized that Priya and i are very different from each other. I was scared of talking to boys, and i never went on a chat line. Rani also told me that day that Priya told her not to tell anything to her mom especially about her talking to boys. But Rani was really close to her parents and she tells them everything, since Rani older sister was studying aboard. Rani had an ambition of becoming an aerospace engineer and she study hard just to make her parents proud and make her dreams come true.Well after a couple of months later Rani told me her parents are her were moving to America. I was really sad hearing this news because Rani was the only Tamil i talk to in school, i knew i will miss her and i hoped to see her again.Well there wasn't many Tamil girls in that school.That year i was having some health problems so i had to stop school for a couple of months. I did well in most of my course except for math i didn't do well that year.

So my teacher suggested to do the course later. After i recovered i returned to school. Too be continued Edited by Tamilangel - 10 February 2010 at 1:54pm.