Borderlands 2 Goty Repack Mr Dj Play
I installed and attempted to play borderlands 2 on a freshly made pc/fresh install of windows 10 today. Issues from the start! The game starts, but upon the 2k logo, the video freezes and the sound continues to play.
Sep 22, 2012. So, let us make the Borderlands 2 game client think it is running a LAN game and play via that. Download.aspx (Unmanaged); Install it (goes for all who wishes to play in the virtual LAN); The host creates a network and the rest join (in Hamachi); The Hamachi host creates a Borderlands 2 game; Fix 1.

Things I have done to fix this: • made sure I was using my correct AMD drivers for gpu. I uninstalled every other driver except the basic display driver, booted up into safemode and ran DDU, rebooted in normal to install AMD 16.1, rebooted and no-go.
• ran the.exe from the steam folder, then ran it as administrator, then ran it in compatibility for windows 7. No go • uninstalled, reinstalled to a new drive. Uninstalled/reinstalled back to os drive. Still nothing. Any other ideas? Amd 9590, 16gb ram, r9 390, 1000w psu, 2 x 850 evo ssd's, and as mentioned w10 os (professional, clean install and no upgrade).
Thanks in advance edit 1: • ran steam's game game cache integrity tool. One file fixed. Download Kamus Korea Indonesia For Pc.
Ps3 Controller Pcsx2 Mac Latest more. Still no dice. I can confirm that it's possible to play the Steam version in Windows 10 without an issue (for my combination of hardware/drivers anyway). Try adding -NoLauncher to the startup options (right click on the game name in your library, select Properties, on the General tab, click the Set Launch Options button, and add that text. If it's just an issue with those.BIK movie files, you can at least get the game started (although these file types are also used in game, but let's see if you can't get past the introductory videos first).
I am happy to report that I, quite literally, stumbled on the solution to my problem. My problem was, upon installing Borderlands 2 from Steam, my machine was apparently still lacking the appropriate DirectX architecture. I was under the impression that everything Borderlands 2 needed was installed. This was not the case. Today I installed OBS software so I may stream to my Twitch profile. As I ran the installation of OBS, the wizard pointed out that I needed to install some additional DirectX files, to which I proceeded to download and install.