Download Lagu Yovie Nuno Terlalu Cinta Dia

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If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? If I showed you my flaws If I couldn’t be strong Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? Right about now If I judge for life, man, would you stay by my side? Or is you gonna say goodbye? Can you tell me right now? If I couldn’t buy you the fancy things in life Shawty, would it be alright Come on show me that you down Now tell me would you really ride for me Baby tell me would you die for me Would you spend your whole life with me Would you be there to always hold me down Tell me would you really cry for me Baby don’t lie to me If I didn’t have anything I wanna know would you stick around If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? If I showed you my flaws If I couldn’t be strong Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?
Let’s get it down All I wanna is somebody who really don’t need much A girl that I know I can trust To be there when money low If I did not have nothing else to give but love Would that even be enough Gal, me need to know Now tell me would you really ride for me Baby tell me would you die for me Would you spend your whole life with me Would you be there to always hold me down Tell me would you really cry for me Baby don’t lie to me If I didn’t have anything I wanna know would you stick around If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? If I showed you my flaws If I couldn’t be strong Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?
Tell me tell me would you want me Tell me tell me would you call me If you knew I wasn’t balling Cause I need girl who’s always by my side Tell me tell me do you need me Tell me tell me do you love me Or is it just tryna play me Cause I need a girl to hold me down for life If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? If I showed you my flaws If I couldn’t be strong Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? If I got locked away And we lost it all today Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? If I showed you my flaws If I couldn’t be strong Tell me honestly would you still love me the same? Lyrics from: This entry was posted in and tagged,,,,,,,,,,,,. Bookmark the. English Translation When I first met you You circled me like a lion You looked for a chance then stole my heart You haven’t changed, you’re still the same But I’m burning up, burning up inside You look at other places, looking for your next prey I should’ve pushed you away hundreds of times I should’ve left you hundreds of times Tell me why Why does my heart keep shaking? Download Shia Azan Software.
I’m right here, right next to you Snap out of it, lion heart My love is burning My heart won’t cool down I wanna tame your heart that jumps around here and there Lion heart You’re a free soul, you’re still the same You stay true to your instincts Can’t you see me in front of you? I think about it hundreds of times But a thousand times, the answer is you I was once fast asleep baby But you poked my nose, I’m getting mad baby Ladies y’all know what I’m talking about right? (Yeah) Even if it’s not all the time, there are good times, right?
(Actually, I just need to be happy) With eyes faster than the wind (with a hot heart) With words warmer than the sun (with a cold head) I wanna tame your lion heart, your lion-like lion heart Come sit here Only stay by my side Don’t look at other girls Lion heart Lyrics From: This entry was posted in and tagged,,,,,,,,,,,,. Bookmark the. GUDANG LAGU TERBARU – Karena senangnya Mimin ini mendengarkan lagu, dan bisa dibilang Mimin sedang tidak ada kerjaan apabila sudah berada di rumah. Maka Mimin memutuskan untuk membuat Blog yang mungkin akan membantu Agan – Agan untuk mencari tahu tentang lalu terbaru dan pastinya paling update setiap minggunya. Kenapa setiap minggu? Karena Mimin memegang sendiri Blog ini dan Mimin juga punya kesibukan sendiri. Hehehehe ~ Maklum Mimin juga punya aktivitas.
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Kumpulan lagu terbaik 2017 - Baiklah langsung saja berikut telah kami rangkum daftar penyanyi dan grup band dengan lagu populernya khusus untuk Anda. Simak satu per satu penyanyi dan grup band yang masuk dalam daftar kami berikut ini, siapa tahu penyanyi tersebut adalah idola Anda.
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September Band Bintang Hatiku (New Version) Funky kopral Cinta Suci (New Version) Yovie & Nuno Tanpa Cinta Mike Mohede Sampai Kapan Full ALbum Va Cari Idola Aurelia Devi In Love With You OST Putri Pete Cita -Sakitnya Tuh Disini (English Version) Indah Nevertari You Da One Ghaitsa Kenang Don`t Look Back In Anger Hanin Dhiya Perahu Kertas Aida Saskia Penari Janger JOJO TITIP RINDU UNTUK AYAH (Ebiet G.