Free Admin Bootstrap Template

These free Bootstrap themes have been pre-built to be used as a complete solution for designing the admin area or dashboard of your web application. Download the best Bootstrap admin & dashboard templates developed by Creative Tim. gentelella Gentelella Admin is a free to use Bootstrap admin template. This template uses the default Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of powerful jQuery plugins and tools to create a powerful framework for creating admin panels or back-end dashboards. Theme uses several libraries for charts, calendar, form validation, wizard style interface, off-canvas navigation menu, text forms, date range, upload area, form autocomplete, range slider, progress bars, notifications and much more. We would love to see how you use this awesome admin template. You can notify us about your site, app or service by tweeting to. Once the list will grown long enough we will write a post similar to to showcase the best examples.

Theme Demo Installation via Package Manager Our goal is to make it installable on different Package Manager! Do you want to use it on your favorite Package Manager and you know how? Pull request all the way!
As of now, this is some installation available: Bower bower install gentelella --save npm npm install gentelella --save How to contribute To contribute, please ensure that you have stable and installed. Test if Gulp CLI is installed by running gulp --version. If the command isn't found, run npm install -g gulp. For more information about installing Gulp, see the Gulp's. To have all gulp dependencies run npm install If gulp is installed, follow the steps below.
• Fork and clone the repo. • Run gulp, this will open gentelella on your default browser • Now you can code, code and code! Rar Sfx Command Line Icon Images.
• Submit a pull request Gentelella for other platforms and frameworks • thanks to Israel Ogbole. • thanks to Michael Lang • with one time password generator, validator, and QR code generator that has no web dependencies (self-contained) in PHP thanks to MicroVB INC • full stack PHP framework thanks to Krzysztof Piasecki. • with an asset bundle, a layout template and some widgets. • Angular Webpack Starter modified to utilize the Gentelella. • Typescript webpack skeleton modified to utilize the Gentelella. • PHP / Laravel 5 boilerplate project with Gentelella Admin theme support.
• Gentelella modified to fit as a Django app • Gentelella modified to fit as a Flask app • Gentelella modified to work on CakePHP Let us know if you have done integration for this admin template on other platforms and frameworks and we'll be happy to share your work. Scripts included: • Bootstrap • Font Awesome • jQuery-Autocomplete • FullCalendar • Charts.js • Bootstrap Colorpicker • Cropper • dataTables • Date Range Picker for Bootstrap • Dropzone • easyPieChart • ECharts • bootstrap-wysiwyg • Flot - Javascript plotting library for jQuery. Hercules 3d Prophet 9000 Driver Windows 7.
Bootstrap Dashboard is my first free Bootstrap 4 template. It is a dashboard/admin template and contains 6 responsive HTML pages. Pages included: • Intro dashboard / Overview • Tables • Charts • Login screen • Sign up screen • Forms screen This template is released under usual Bootstrapious license. You can use it freely with attribution to us. If you would prefer removing the backlink from the theme footer, please to support themes' development. Suggested amount per template is $10+. Also, as a bonus for donors, I can provide you with the SASS files for even easier template customization.
Drop me a line at after donating. License conditions You are completely free to use this template for your personal use or as a work for your client as long as you keep the link at the template footer pointing to us and our partner. New If you would prefer removing the backlink from the theme footer, please to support further themes development. However you cannot redistribute the template or its derivatives - neither for free or commercially (e.g. Selling it on template marketplace).
Thank you for understanding and respecting the license conditions.