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Opening ceremony of the first railway in Arequipa. After the occupation of Lima during the, president arrived in Arequipa on 31 August 1882, declaring it the capital of Peru. Also, Montero installed a National Congress on 22 April 1883 which was located at the Independence College, also counting with military support from a local army and important financial support from quotas and taxes coming from the economic elite and the southern agricultural districts.
However, on 25 October 1883, a popular uprising overthrew the government of president Montero, who managed to escape to; then, Chilean troops occupied Arequipa on 29 October, supported by authorities of the city, until August 1884. The republican era brought many improvements to the city's infrastructure. The economic development of Arequipa was boosted by the Southern Railroad built by, which connected Arequipa with the port city of Mollendo (1871) and with and (1876). The first telegraph system in the region of Arequipa, which connected, Arequipa and Vitor, was established in 1908. The first drinking water supply system for the city and an aqueduct were built in 1914.
In 1940 the city's international airport, Alfredo Rodriguez Ballon, was opened. In 2000, the historic centre of Arequipa was declared a.
However, an 8.4-magnitude earthquake, on 23 June 2001, damaged several of the historical buildings. City symbols [ ] King elevated Arequipa to the rank of by royal decree on 22 December 1540, awarding it a coat of arms on which a mythical animal carries a banner with the inscription Karlos V or Del Rey. The origin of the crimson flag of the city has been a subject of debate among historians. By 1940, several historians, most notably Francisco Mostajo and Victor M. Barriga, firmly confirmed the royal origin of the crimson color of the flag, contrary to the blue banner proposed as the original by historian Victor Benavente. This matches the color used in sports activities in the city. On 2 September 1940, Francisco Mostajo sent a letter to the Mayor of the City to explain his views regarding the color of the Banner of Arequipa, basing his claims on the ' Act of the oath of King Carlos III ' of 11 August 1788.
On 23 September of the same year, Father Victor M. Barriga also published an important document in the Catholic newspaper El Deber that contains a description of the royal standard of Arequipa found in the 'Act of 3 September 1789'. The anthem of the city is called the Fourth Centenary Anthem. It was written by Emilio Pardo Valle with music by Aurelio Diaz Espinoza, who won a contest organized by the city council in 1939 for the creation of the music and lyrics of the anthem. The award was given in 1940 and the hymn has been sung ever since at all important civic events held in the city. Geography [ ] Location [ ] The city is located at 2,328 metres (7,638 ft) of elevation above sea level, with the lowest part of the city being at 2,041 metres (6,696 ft) above sea level in the area called Huayco while the highest is located at 2,810 metres (9,220 ft) above sea level. The central part of the city is crossed by the Chili River from north to south; to the north and east of Arequipa are the Andes mountains, while to the south and west there are minor mountain ranges associated to the Andes.
The valley of Arequipa, open toward the coast, plays a key role in allowing Arequipa to be a city that strategically links the coastal and highland regions of southern Peru. A series of volcanic cones dominate the city skyline:, and the extinct volcanic groups and. The western slopes of the Andes in the region feature thick layers of volcanic lava that cover large areas. Partial view of Arequipa, with volcano in the left. The climate of the city is predominantly dry in, and due to the low atmospheric moisture and an effective precipitation corresponding to that of a cool ( BWk, according to the ).
Arequipa has also 300 days of sunshine a year on average. Throughout the year, temperatures do not exceed 25 °C (77 °F) and rarely drop below 5 °C (41 °F). The wet season lasts from December to March and is marked by the presence of clouds in the afternoon and low rainfall. In winter (June, July), weather gets a little cooler and the low temperature drops to an average of 6 °C (43 °F). The average relative humidity is 46%, with an average high of 70% in the summer season and a minimum average of 27% during autumn, winter and spring, according to data from the weather station at Goyeneche Hospital. The winds are influenced by a system of local winds and the passage of frontal systems of low atmospheric pressure, which are conditioned by the topographical surrounding the valley where the city is.
These winds occur mainly in the evening and early morning; mountain breezes flow in a north-east direction and in the course of the day valley breezes dominate with a South-West direction. The wind velocity along the day fluctuates between 1.5 m / s and 2.5 m / s.
Downtown scenery at Mercaderes street. According to the of 2007, the city of Arequipa, concentrates 70% of the total population of the region of Arequipa and 90% of urban population of the region. One of the first population census in the city date back to 1796 where there were 37,241 inhabitants which corresponded to 22 207 Spaniards, 5929 Native Americans, 4908, 2487, and 1710 slaves. At the end of the first half of the twentieth century, the effects of the city improvements around 1940 were clearly shown by the annual population growth from 1.1% for the period 1876 - 1917 to 3.3% for the period 1940 - 1960.
In the twentieth century the city's population would increase from 80,000 in 1940 to 158,000 in 1961 in an unprecedented population growth process, whose possible reasons have to do with the establishment of the first industrial companies, some of them involved in the transformation of agricultural products. The demographic trend was substantially supported by two factors: the earthquake of 1958 and the drought in the, which accelerated migration, urbanization, and peripheral city growth (suburbs and shantytowns) that lasts until today. The population growth was boosted by the rearrangement an improvement of urban space after the earthquakes which caused Arequipa's population to grow twofold in a decade.
The 158 000 inhabitants in 1961, would be 309 000 in 1972 and almost 500,000 in 1983. The expansion of the urban area to previous rural areas incorporated subsistence farming actively into the urban cycle.
Evolution of the population of Arequipa in the period between 1796 and 2012. Sources: Population Census 1804 (Gil de Toboada) Viceroyalty of Peru in 1812, Census of inhabitants of Peru (1876), Census of the City of Arequipa in 1917 INEI, INEI 2012 population estimate Economy [ ] The contribution of the city of Arequipa in Arequipa region's GDP is 74.2% of its GDP according to studies by the National University of San Agustin, also the region's GDP is the highest Arequipa after Lima. In the period 2003–2008 was the 'City with greatest economic growth in Latin America', according to the report in 2009 of 'America Economia' presenting a percentage change in GDP per capita of 66.1%. Also in 2007–2008 was the city with the highest percentage change in GDP in Latin America with a variation of 9.59%. Economic Indicators – City of Arequipa Population (MM) GDP 2010 (millions U.S. $) GDP per capita 2010 (U.S.
$)% Unemployment 2011 No. Investment banks 0–9 10,587 12,188 5,0 1 Source: American Journal Economics. Special Cities.
Modern buildings in Arequipa. According to a government survey, Arequipa has the largest amount of 'workforce' within the country amounting to 625 547 people, and an economically active population (PEA) which amounts to 376 764 people having a same employment rate as in the national average with an average monthly income of 928 soles. The main economic sectors for the economically active population are manufacturing (12.9%), trade (23%) and non-personal services (36.6%). A metropolitan level unemployment level reaches the level of 8%, in contrast to 5% unemployment in the city. In Arequipa, tourism is an important boost for the local economy, as the city is the third most visited city in the country after Cusco and. In 2010, Arequipa received a total of 1.395 million visitors according to the Since the past century, in the city many factories related to the primary sector, especially textiles and agricultural, have emerged.
Thus making Arequipa an important commercial and industrial hub in the southern Andes, serving as a link between the and the mountains. Large-scale mining, also contributes to the city's economy; as is the case of Cerro Verde, a mining site established in 1993 near the Arequipa valley. The city's industrial sector has the largest nationwide diversification and is the second most industrialized city of Peru. After two major earthquakes, in 1958 and 1960, with the law of the 'Rehabilitation and Development Board of Arequipa' an industrial complex was built with one of the first factories being the Yura cement factory (Cementos Yura).
Main article: The Constitutional Court is the highest authority regarding control and interpretation of the Constitution. It is autonomous and independent of other constitutional bodies. Subject only to the Constitution and the Organic Law, the court has seven judges elected by the Congress with the favorable vote of at least two thirds of the legal number of members for a period of five years. The city is the 'Legal Capital of Peru' and 'Official Headquarters of the Constitutional Court', as a result of a decentralizing project. Due to the military coup that occurred in Peru at the end of the 1960s, the initiative was abandoned.
Then, it was retaken after the election of the Constituent Assembly in 1978. This time, the initiative did not succeed due to the high opposition, but later concluded that Arequipa would host the then 'Constitutional Court', as stated in Article 304 º of the Constitution of Peru, 1979: 'The Constitutional Court is based in the city of Arequipa '. Later, by the Constitution of 1993, the 'Constitutional Court' was created, which, according to its Charter, is based in Arequipa. Sights and attractions [ ] The Old Town [ ]. Street and arches on the main square. Civil-Public Monuments [ ] There are 10 buildings that origin were engaged in civic purposes, such as Phoenix theaters.
And the Municipal Theatre, the Goyeneche Hospital and the Hospital of Priests of St. Peter, bridges Bolognesi and Grau, the Instituto de la Rosa Chavez, Railway Station, Mercado San Camilo and the Molino de Santa Catalina. Military Monuments [ ] The historic center of Arequipa lacked a wall as we had the city of Lima, they persist despite military monuments as Twentieth Century Prison and Penal Fundo El Fierro women. Civil-Domestic Monuments [ ] Within the historic center there are 246 houses were declared monuments household, this type of construction is characterized by thick walls made solid as drawer, with arches and domes similar to those built in the temples and monasteries religious, giving the same robustness and monumentality to these constructions built from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and generally used for housing. Interchange on La Marina Avenue Arequipa's only airport is, which is operated by a private consortium through a concession granted by the government since 2011.
It is located in the district of, about 12 miles (19 kilometres) northwest of the downtown, and because of its features and facilities is considered one of the best in the country There are regular flights to Peruvian destinations such as,, and and to international destinations such as,,, and. The railway network system has been operating in Arequipa since 1871, and enables communication between the coast and the mountains and different levels of progress and expansion of population centers located in its path. The system consists of the lines Cusco-Puno-Arequipa and Arequipa-Mollendo. It is of great strategic importance in the multimodal communication system in the southern macro region, since it is the most effective and economical way to transport heavy loads over long distances.
Terrapuerto Internacional Arequipa is a bus terminal located in the district of Jacobo Hunter. There, several bus companies offer land travel routes to regional and national destinations within Peru and to international destinations such as,, and. International relations [ ].