Reserve Health Readiness Program Phases
At LHI, we are proud to help our Armed Forces satisfy the medical readiness requirements that allow them to meet any challenge. Supported by a nationwide network of providers, we provide the highest level of care with customized solutions that can support a single Service member or a group of 2,000. Through exams and screenings, we assess the overall health of Service members while working seamlessly with Government systems. Our goal is to make sure every Service member has optimum health before they deploy so they are equally ready for civilian life upon their return. We are there for our heroes, anytime we’re called upon to provide Care for Mission Critical. At LHI, we provide health care services to the U.S.
Medical Readiness Events. Onsite Health provides complete medical readiness services in over 22 states for the Army National Guard. Behavioral Health Support Program. Onsite Health provides behavioral health support to keep Texas. Army Reserve. Onsite Health helps the Army Reserve improve dental readiness.
Military either in network clinics, on-location at group events or through the LHI Contact Center. Our service offerings include: • Periodic health assessments • Screening tests • Behavioral health • Physical exams • Dental exams • Dental treatment • Immunizations • Audiology services • Vision services • Laboratory services • X-rays and radiology services.
Academics Since our first graduating class in 1982, the USU's MDs. Nurses and graduates in biomedical sciences provide exceptional service through service in the U.S. Military and civilian careers of distinction. Today, America's Medical School has 691 enrolled students and 5,043 graduates. Over 1,300 graduates in Biomedical Sciences lead aggressive research in medical research. Today's 663 graduates of the School of Nursing blend science, research and field training in advanced practice and PhD degrees. The USU's Postgraduate Dental College provides advanced degree's to the military's dental community, graduating 72 students since establishment.
Academics Home >. • The USU Admissions Committee works on a 'rolling' admissions basis.
This means that an applicant's file is advanced onto the next phase as soon as the previous phase is completed. • The process begins with an application to AMCAS. USU advises applicants to apply in June, prior to the year of matriculation. • AMCAS begins sending applications to medical schools starting 30 June. An invitiation to fill out the supplemental application will be emailed to applicants at this time. Those applying on or after 30 June will be sent the email within 7 days of submitting the AMCAS application. • As soon as the forms are returned and the letters of recommendation are received, the file is sent to the Committee to make a decision regarding an invitation to interview.
This review usually takes three to four weeks. • All interviews are conducted at USU.
Once the interview is completed, the file is sent to the Committee again to make a recommendation. If the committee recommends acceptance and a seat is available, the applicant is offered a conditional acceptance.
This means that the person holds a place in the class but will not receive commissioning papers or official orders until the physical exam and security check are cleared and the acceptance form is returned. Once the physical and security checks are cleared, the applicant is offered an unconditional acceptance.
Commissioning papers and orders are then processed. • The Committee receives many files and each one is carefully reviewed. Please be patient while awaiting a response. The USU School of Medicine accepts students with a variety of interests and talents. Our student body represents a diverse educational background. However, in order to be accepted in the SoM program, students must achieve the following: • Attain a baccalaureate degree as of June 1 of the year of planned matriculation from an accredited academic institution in the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico.
• Completed at least one academic year of general or inorganic chemistry including laboratory; one academic year of organic chemistry including laboratory. Biochemistry may be substituted for the second semester of organic chemistry; one semester of calculus or statistics (precalculus or computer science courses are not acceptable); one academic year of general physics including laboratory (courses in anatomy are not acceptable); one academic year of biology including laboratory (botany courses are not acceptable); one academic year of writing intensive humanities, social sciences, languages or psychology courses (introductory courses in composition or literature are acceptable). An academic year of coursework consists of studies extending over a two-semester or three-quarter period and carries total credits of between eight and 12 quarter hours.
• Missing course prerequisites: If the prerequisite can be completed before June 15th of the year of matriculation, the applicant's file can be reactivated. Any offer of acceptance would be contingent upon completion of the coursework. • Noncitizens: If the person is a non-citizen but can become a citizen on or before November 1st of the year preceding matriculation, their file can be reactivated. • Weak academic packages: USU recommends post-baccalaureate (or graduate) work to improve a below-average grade point average.
Many undergraduate schools offer such programs, School of Medicine specifically to prepare an applicant for medical school. The Admissions Committee recommends about 25-30 additional credit hours. • Low MCAT scores: USU recommends students retake the MCAT if they have low scores. The Admissions Committee does not average multiple test scores together and any improvement is looked upon as valid.
• If an applicant does not meet the requirements of USU, another option for military medicine is the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) administered by the Air Force, Army and Navy. This program provides funding for medical school in exchange for service. • Some undergraduate schools have a pre-medical committee that interviews students, compiles letters of recommendation, and writes cover letters to medical schools.
The cover letter usually ranks an individual among the pool of applicants from their school. USU prefers applicants have a pre-medical letter if their school offers one. • If students do not submit a letter from the committee, they must explain their reason for not providing one. • If an applicant's undergraduate school does not have a pre-medical committee, notify USU in a statement with the secondary application materials. The university will accept individual letters of recommendation.
• USU Applicants should submit four letters of recommendation: • Two letters of recommendation should be written by a science faculty member • One letter of recommendation should be written by a non-science professor • One letter of recommendation must be written by a supervisor of clinical work. This can be a part of the pre-medical committee letter or separate. Military applicants compete with civilian applicants on the same level.
However, there are two considerations which set military applicants apart. First, if you are on active duty, in one of the military academies, or the ROTC, Officers must obtain a Letter of Approval (LOA) and Enlisted must obtain a Letter of Release (LoR) to apply from your branch of service. See for more information. Remember, the LOA or LoR must clearly state that approval is granted. The letter should not say 'recommends approval'. It must state 'has approval'.
For applicants in the reserves, a letter from your commanding officer (who has the authority to release you) will suffice for the LOA or LoR. Those in the IRR do not need the LOA or LoR. Secondly, active duty and other military obligates are restricted when selecting a branch of service. They must comply with their LOA or (LoR) instructions.
It is rare that a component will give permission to transfer into another component. If such permission is not granted, the applicant must enter the same component in which they currently serve. The majority of the USU School of Medicine graduates build an impressive career devoted to military medicine. They serve in vital capacities of biomedicine and many hold key leadership positions critical to the successful operation of the military and public health systems. The roles of USU School of Medicine graduates are diverse and far reaching, including heading terrorism and emergency response teams, serving in the White House Presidential medical detail, commanding major Military Treatment Facilities, and conducting vital research across all disciplines of medicine. Students commit to serving at least seven years in the uniformed services after graduation.
Upon completion of the active duty service obligation, students who served on active duty for less than 10 years after graduation are placed on the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) roster. (Graduate medical education does not count toward the 10 years.) While on the IRR roster, service members are on inactive reserve status, with no weekend or annual active duty drill required, but are subject to call-up by the president of the United States in times of emergency. The amount of time required is as follows: • Active duty service less than eight years: six years on the IRR roster • Active duty service of more than eight years, but less than nine: four years on the IRR roster • Active duty service of nine years or more, but less than 10; two years on the IRR roster Except as law or service policy otherwise prescribe, the IRR obligation is added after all other active duty obligations have been served, including time for USU, ROTC, or the service academies. There is a difference among the services.
Applicants are not required to make a decision regarding service until the day of the interview, but USU recommends applicants research each well in advance. Information about the Army, Air Force and Navy and can be found on their home Web sites. Information about the Public Health Service can be found and on it's home Web site. At the interview, applicants are provided a form asking them to rank the services in order of preference and their commitment to each. Interviewees will be given briefings about the services and the admissions staff will be available for questions. The academic program blends a traditional health sciences curriculum with specialized education.
The program includes courses in basic medical science and military-unique training. Students attend school year round and receive an additional 500 hours of preparation compared to their civilian counterparts. Topics such as trauma and emergency medicine, infectious disease and parasitology, the humanities and behavioral science, and the principles of leadership and teamwork is the focus of the enhanced curriculum. The University is located in a park-like setting on the grounds of the National Naval Medical Center. This central location, just a few miles outside of Washington, D.C., gives students unparalleled opportunities to enjoy many exciting cultural opportunities. Award-winning restaurants, museums and monuments surround the campus and provide a welcome break from the rigors of medical school. Students also enjoy a full-complement of extracurricular activities including a variety of athletic programs and students clubs.
The curriculum combines and integrates the requirements for both the M.D. And the Ph.D degrees. The M.D./Ph.D. Program consists of three phases to be completed in seven to eight years. The first or graduate program phase will generally last three years. The M.D./Ph.D.
Student will complete this initial phase as a civilian, under the guidance of the graduate program director, thesis advisor, and M.D./Ph.D. Advisory Committee. The student will complete all required courses for the Ph.D. Degree during the first and second years. During this time, they will complete many of the courses required for the first two years of the medical school curriculum as well.
The qualifying examination for advancement to candidacy will be taken at the end of the second year and a doctoral thesis proposal will be submitted subsequently to the thesis advisory committee. The third year will be a research year. The transition phase begins after the third year and will last two years.
The student will complete all requirements to be commissioned in the United States military and will attend Officer Basic Training. As a uniformed officer, the student will complete the remaining requirements of the first and second years of the medical school curriculum. The student will also continue to spend significant time on thesis research, finalize the thesis project, and prepare and defend his/her doctoral dissertation. Free Download Program Explain Pain Butler Moseley Pdf To Word.
The final phase of the M.D./Ph.D. Program is the clinical phase over the sixth and seventh years of the program. The student will begin full participation in the medical school curriculum and complete all required clinical rotations and clerkships. After completing both program requirements, the student will be awarded both the M.D.
And the Ph.D. Degrees and commissioned as an active duty officer (O-3) at commencement. When students receive an invitation for an interview, a request is sent to the Department of Defense Medical Review Board (DoDMERB) to initiate the physical clearance requirement. To begin the process, you must call the Commissioning Coordinator and provide your social security number. DoDMERB then provides you with information for setting up an examination with a physician who practices in your local area.
The physician is not interested in the number of push-ups and sit-ups you can do (see “Are there any fitness requirements?”). Rather, your physical will focus on your general state of health and will try to determine if you have any medically disqualifying conditions (check the other FAQs for more information on medically disqualifying conditions). All of these exams are set up through Concorde, Inc.
And may be tracked on the DoDMETS. When you receive your invitation to interview, you will want to set up your medical examination as soon as possible—the qualification process may take some time to complete, especially if you have had health problems in the past. There comes a point in the admissions cycle where only those students who have fully completed the medical clearance process are able to be offered spots in the class. DoDMERB has a list of that may also answer your questions. The Department of Defense screens for certain conditions that might be incompatible with military medical practice. You may not be medically cleared for unconditional acceptance to the School of Medicine if you are not able to do the things required to practice medicine: • at home and abroad in both resource rich and resource poor areas • during medical school residency and throughout your active duty service obligation • without accommodations that would needlessly risk yourself or your unit Likewise, if you have a condition that might be expected to recur or worsen to the point that it precludes you from full military medical practice, you may not be medically cleared. Department of Defense provides medical standards for induction into the military services and lists many potentially disqualifying conditions.
Although all of the conditions listed in DoDI 6130.03 are disqualifying, many are able to be waived. That is, you might be disqualified on the basis of a pre-existing condition, but the disqualification may be waived either by DoDMERB or by a separate waiver process conducted by the military services and the Department of Defense, Health Affairs. DoDI 6130.03 is not an exhaustive document; unlisted conditions may also be deemed disqualifying at the time of physical examination and review. As an example, DoDI 6130.03 lists refractive errors in excess of -8.00 or +8.00 as disqualifying.
However, the military services feel that as long as the vision corrects to 20/20, an individual with such a condition would have no difficulty serving in the military. Although DoDMERB would likely disqualify the individual, the waiver process conducted by the military services and Health Affairs would likely waive the requirement, allowing the student to be unconditionally accepted into the class. As another example, chondromalacia, or patellofemoral pain syndrome (commonly called runner’s knee), is potentially disqualifying. DoDMERB may or may not disqualify an individual with runner’s knee based on the information they receive on that individual. Classpad 330 Usb Drivers more. If an individual is disqualified, the military services and Health Affairs would review the physical examination record and any other materials submitted on the student’s behalf. If the condition has not occurred for some time, or if it does not interfere with physical activity, it is likely to be waived. If you would like to know if you would receive a waiver for your potentially disqualifying position, you should email the Commissioning Coordinator.
Please note that the Public Health Service is currently not granting any waivers. If you have been asked to provide remedial information, you have a condition that may be disqualifying. The DoDMERB reviewing officials are not sure and are interested in trying to provide you an endorsement of qualification, contingent on more information. Please complete any additional consultations, laboratory draws, and radiologic examination requests as soon as possible so that the results may be forwarded to DoDMERB. If you are asked to provide additional records from your medical chart, please make sure these are sent as soon as possible. Each service has its own policy regarding tattoos.
You can find the tattoo policy for each service below. If you are uncertain after reviewing the policies, please contact the Commissioning Coordinator. • • • • 'Tattoos/Body Art/Brands are not permitted on the head, face, neck, scalp or exposed skin.
Those prejudicial to good order, discipline, and morale or of a nature to bring discredit upon the Corps are prohibited. Waivers may be requested from OSG for prior service and existing tattoos.' Officer training for each service takes place during the summer prior to the start of medical school and lasts 5-6 weeks.
Specific dates vary from year to year. Unless otherwise stated, the officer training course is mandatory. • Army: Prior Army officers are not required to attend the Army Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC). The Army will recognize all BOLCs as meeting requirements as long as there has not been more than a two year break in service (this may change so check with the Commissioning Coordinator).
All civilian, enlisted, ROTC, and West Point graduates are required to attend BOLC, located at Fort Sam Houston in TX. • Navy: All civilian and enlisted incoming students commissioning into the Navy are required to attend the Navy Officer Development School (ODS), located in Newport, RI. Naval Academy, NROTC graduates, and prior officers are to report directly to USUHS in August as they are not required to attend the summer training. • Air Force: All civilian and enlisted incoming students commissioning into the Air Force must attend the Commissioned Officer Training (COT), located at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Alabama. Air Force Academy, AFROTC graduates, and prior officers are to report directly to USUHS in August as they are not required to attend the summer orientations. • Public Health Service: Prior PHS officers are not required to attend the Officer Basic Course (OBC) if they have already completed it, provided there has not been greater than a two year break in service.
All other incoming students, including prior service officers and enlisted from other services, ROTC and academy graduates, and all incoming civilians must attend OBC, located in Rockville, MD. After you have been unconditionally accepted, the military department sponsoring your commission will contact you to arrange for your assignment to the School as a Medical Officer Candidate, including issuance of orders. This process takes a few weeks. Once you have completed all required paperwork and your scroll has been approved (see ' What is the scroll?' ), you should receive orders within 2 weeks of the start of officer training. Delays in processing could result in receiving your orders within days of the start of officer training.