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Insulin Dose Calculators New August 20, 2010: • The “G+ Enterprise System' is an “Insulin Dosing Software and Glycemic Management System.” Visit their website: for further information on the software. “G+ Enterprise System' has received FDA clearance. New November 24, 2009:• Predicting short-term blood sugar levels for someone who has type 1 diabetes poses no theoretical problems. You can keep records of the meals that you eat through the day and the amount of insulin you inject.
You can translate these records into the amounts by which blood glucose levels are elevated by the meals and lowered by the injections. You can personalize the rises and falls of your blood glucose by knowing how you respond to particular foods and insulins. Then, occasional blood glucose test result can provide a datum level on which to base the calculations of where the blood glucose will stabilize when all the food has been digested and insulin activity ceases. You can obtain blood glucose predictions by using manual methods with, for example, a paper log of daily events and a calculator. But this approach is time consuming, repetitive, prone to errors, and very difficult to implement.
A much better method is to use a computer program to take in the details of each event and fit the program use your profile to calculate how your blood glucose is likely to change and where it will stabilize. The software could also indicate how much more carbohydrate you should eat or how much insulin you should inject to stabilize the you blood glucose at, or slightly above, 5 mmol/l. Pathfinder is a PC application that does all of these things. A person with diabetes can quickly set up a personal profile on day 1.
Then, you enter inputs of daily events in sequence. When required, it will show the results of its calculations in two ways: First a table showing predicted blood glucose levels over the next four hours or so, and second an indication of how much you should eat or inject to stabilize your the blood glucose level at 5 mmol/l. You can find full details at and get further help and information from The Pathfinder Team. New April 23, 2009: • Calsulin is a credit card sized electronic calculator that takes people with diabetes through the process of inputting blood glucose, insulin ratio, grams of carbohydrates, and estimated post-injection exercise.
Calsulin then makes the calculations and automatically displays the insulin dose. offers it in the U.S. The Calsulin URL is • Insulin Helper computes your insulin required prior to each meal using a customized wallet sized card. It is a product of Mistebar Computer Consultants (whose owner has diabetes and created the Insulin Helper to help him improve his own blood sugars). Mistebar also has a booklet which teaches how to use the Insulin Helper and has 30 pages of tips on how to improve blood glucose. Commercial Windows Software • BD Diabetes Software Jane Jeffrie Seley, GNP, MPH, MSN, CDE, kindly contributed the following review. She is Clinical Coordinator and Diabetes Nurse Practitioner, Mount Sinai Endocrine Associates, New York.
Diet and Food Programs By popular demand, I am starting to include diet and food software that can help people with diabetes. There is a lot out there that I am not familiar with, and I would appreciate your suggestions. Another good resource is. New: April 16, 2009: • nutri note The new nutrition software, nutrinote 2009, is meant for everyone who wants to achieve long-lasting weight loss or who needs to monitor what they eat. An interactive, animated food diary, calorie counter, calorie warning light, weight and BMI diagrams, and lots of diary analyses make dieting easier and highlight hidden sources of calories. It comes with a calorie chart with up to 7,500 foods.
Versions start at $40. The URL is • MyNetDiary MyNetDiary is not a typical calorie counter. It is a weight loss program providing users with personalized nutrient needs analysis per USDA guidelines, weight goal and diet planning, food and exercise tracking, and progress analysis tools. State-of-the-art technology is used to make food entry process a snap. In-place food search and editing, smart suggestions provided by MyNetDiary after typing only a few letters, and on-the-fly personalization features reduce data entry time to several minutes per day. offers a paid membership from $7 a month. You can find additional materials at and you can see MyNetDiary in action by taking a 'Test Drive,' which provides access to full functionality of MyNetDiary without any registration.
• This site is the most comprehensive food and nutrition database search engine on the web with nutritional data on more than 45,000 foods. The URL is • This site is a free, anonymous, and easy to use system to keep track of your blood glucose level, carbohydrate intake, fitness, and more. The URL is • Nutri-Base NutriBase is complete nutrition and fitness software. Its is particularly helpful. All versions of NutriBase require a PC running Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT. It requires 32 Mbytes of RAM, but they recommend 64 Mbytes or more. It requires a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels minimum (but they recommend a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixel resolution or greater).
They don't have a Mac version. They offer 15 different editions ranging in price from $29.95 to $119.95. The URL is • Life Form Life Form software allows you to easily track just about everything about your health, including what you're eating and how much you're exercising. It includes all the nutrients that most people are interested in, including calories, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. Life Form contains a database of nutrient values for more than 13,000 foods.
It is a commercial Windows program, but you can download a trial version. The URL is • FitDay FitDay. Canadian Oil Patch Technology Guidebook And Directory Listing. com is a free Web site designed to help you track and analyze the important aspects of your diet and fitness.
Your personal FitDay account serves as a food and exercise journal. You track the foods you eat and the exercises you do on a daily basis.
Based on your journal entries, FitDay analyzes your diet, exercise, and weight, generating graphical reports on the important aspects of your fitness. The URL is • CalorieKing CalorieKing-Joslin Food Awareness Toolbar is designed to promote daily food awareness, which is of particular importance in the prevention and effective management of diabetes. The Food Awareness Toolbar acts as your own food-search browser tool on your desktop. It is free and works just like a Google search, but for food data. All you have to do is click on the browser you use (either Internet Explorer or Firefox) to download and install the food-search browser tool to your computer.
Then, any time you are curious about a food's nutritional content, the answer is only keystrokes away. CalorieKing Mobile Plus Edition for PalmOS, version 1.1.1, is a user-friendly software application that allows you to track your daily food intake and exercise. It works with the food nutrition database. It runs on PalmOS 3.3 or greater and lists for $29.95. CalorieKing Mobile Edition for PalmOS, version 1.6.2, is edited to contain the most common foods. All foods contain data for calories, fat, protein and carbohydrate. It runs on PalmOS 3.0 or greater and lists for $14.95.
CalorieKing Mobile Edition for PocketPC, version 1.0.4, is edited to contain the most common foods. All foods contain data for calories, fat, protein and carbohydrate. It runs on Windows CE 3.0 or greater and lists for $14.95. The URL for these programs is Note also the CalorieKing Handheld Diabetes Log for Palm OS available at • Computer Planned Nutrition Nutritional Computing Concepts in Zionsville, Indiana, produces the Computer Planned Nutrition program. It provides food intake analysis, menu planning including automatic menu planning and recipe analysis. The food database includes more than 18,000 foods and 123 nutrients including foods from USDA Version 15.
Data can be uploaded from Bayer, LifeScan and ThereaSense meters. A comprehensive health diary is included. The URL is • CarbCheck CarbCheck, version 1.1, is a free carb, fat, protein database of more than 1,000 foods. Designed this program to run on a palm organizer. The URL is • Cook'n for Diabetics You can use this Windows 95/98 program to count calories, carbohydrates, and fats of any recipe or menu. It includes nutrition facts from more than 10,000 products. The URL is • Diet & Exercise Assistant Version 4.0 Keyoe Inc.
Offers four different versions of its food and health tracking software for Windows and the Palm operating system. The software tracks food intake with an inventory of several thousand common foods, including those from popular U.S.
Restaurants, various exercises, such as walking, golf, and tennis, and various health issues, such as plotting weight loss stats and graphs, and saturated fats. The URL is • includes a food database of more than 30,000 items and an exercise log with more than 600 activities. Cost $9 per month. The URL is • My Calorie & Nutrition Counter 1.0.3 Jon & Sayuri's Software has developed this shareware nutrition calculator for the Mac. With it you'll be able to keep accurate track of all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that you eat each day. This program requires Mac OS 9 or X. The URL is • Nutrition Data provides complete nutritional information for any food or recipe and helps you select foods that best match your dietary needs.
The URL is Discontinued Software • Accutility Accutility Software for use with the Accu-Chek Compete meter was released in December 1998 and discontinued in March 2001. Roche replaced it with Accu-Chek Compass (see in the Windows section above). • The Web site announced in September 2001 that it is discontinuing its 'Online Blood Sugar Tracker' within two weeks.
The tracker logged and graphed the blood glucose measurements that you entered manually. • BioStore BioStore Pro Version 3.0 for Windows and BioStore L from BioStore International Inc.
In Canyon Country, California, are no longer marketed. A demo version limited to 50 records is, however, still available on-line at • Blood Glucose Monitor Blood Glucose Monitor Version 1.1 was MS-DOS shareware in support of a OneTouch meter, according to Michael Wolfe available from the CompuServe Diabetes Forum or from Norman E. Shimmel 1015 Bonniebrook Road Butler, PA 16001 Phone: (412) 283-2723 However, a message to him at his supposed e-mail address bounced. • provided an online glucose monitoring tool along with health and medical information., in Orange, California, the founder of HTMLFusion, which provides programming services and networks for medical and electronic applications, was the site registrant. The URL was • Camit for Windows Camit for Windows from Boehringer Mannheim Corp.
In Indianapolis, Indiana (now Roche), is now available to the healthcare professional market only and is no longer sold for home use. Roche replaced it with Accu-Chek Compass (see in the Windows section above). • Control Diabetes NutriGenie's program called Control Diabetes, version 1.2, is no longer listed at the company's Web site. It calculates fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrate, protein, and calorie intake and analyzes diet based on supplied data for the common sugars and more than 500 foods. This program for Windows 3.x is shareware that you are free to try and $29 if you decide to keep it, according to ZDNet's Software Library at • The company advises that, 'due to the current economic uncertainty, our key strategic partner has made the difficult decision not to continue funding'
This Internet-based medical service company in Colorado Springs, Colorado, provided decision support to control your diabetes based on your physician's prescription. On the site you could enter your home glucose monitoring results accompanied by information about diet and exercise and receive recommendations when necessary to improve your glucose control. The program was available for $20 per month with a 30 day money back guarantee. The URL was • DiabetesNow This Web site sponsored by Abbott Laboratories, the manufacturer of MediSense meters and other products for people with diabetes, included a section where you can manually log your blood glucose, ketones, and HbA1c levels and insulin doses. The company took the site down in February 2002.
The URL was • DiaMac DiaMac by Pagano Technologies Inc. In Thousand Oaks, California, is no longer available to the public, according to a message from Tom Pagano. It was diabetes analysis software for Macintosh computers.
• Diastats 2.0 This program from Orchard Enterprises in La Mirada, California, seems to be no longer available. It had supposedly been available for $29.95 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling by calling (800) 252-7492, but that has been the number of a real estate company 'for the past 10 years.' Maybe you could write: Orchard Enterprises P.O. Box 847 La Miranda, CA 90637 • Gluco*Health Jonathan R.
Allen's Gluco*Health, version 1.00, was a database program for people with diabetes who test their blood sugar. It helped its user keep an organized computer logbook or diary of blood sugar test results. A master logbook displays all records, and two custom logbooks display only record within user defined time/date/glucose ranges. This shareware program, which sold for $36.95 when you register it, has been replaced by Jonathan's Glucose Journal and Database, described and linked in the shareware section above. • Glucostat This $65 Windows 3.1 program from Glucoware in Cleveland, Ohio, is no longer available.
'GlucoStat is no longer being sold,' writes. 'Could not get the sales volume I needed to continue marketing it.' However, existing users will need to upgrade the program to avoid Y2K problems. That URL is • The Green Door The Green Door by of Sacramento, California, offered three versions of its diabetes management programs plus a separate meal exchange program. He writes in June 1999 that he no longer markets them. • The Diabetic Assistant was the complete package.
• The Recipe Analysis was a stand-alone program that allowed the user to design and modify recipes using an included food database. • The Medical Dairy allowed users to record and print out their daily medication and blood test results. • The Meal Exchange program helped users figure out the required amounts of the food exchanges that are in a diet for a given number of calories.
It also figured out the percentages of carbohydrates, protein, and fat that make up the total calories. It let the user make changes, and then it would calculate the calories and print out a form with the information.
• LifeHealthy LifeHealthy's Your Personal Health Management Journal included the ability to log and keep a simple graph of your blood glucose readings. The company's Web site is down and their phone has been discontinued.
• Level This $79 program for Windows 3.1 from HealthWare in Buena Park, California, does not seem to be available. The toll-free phone number listed by Michael Wolfe, (800) 682-9375 does not appear to be in service.
Perhaps you could write: HealthWare P.O. Box 5396 Buena Park, CA 90620 • Medmaster This was a Windows program, but seems to be no longer available. Costing $79, it had been available by calling (800) 455-4472, which no longer works.
• MedMonitor MedMonitor version 1.01 from DataMass Software Inc. Of Washington, Missouri, phone (314) 390-2584, is apparently no longer available. It offered Windows 95 software to monitor your medicine. Other Resources • The Children with Diabetes 'Computerizing Your Meter' site has one of the best comprehensive reviews of diabetes management software.
See • I also maintain the faq (frequently asked questions file) for the newgroup. But this file will always be as up-to-date or more so. • Bonnie Matlow was diagnosed for two years with diabetes and had trouble finding a good log for her glucose testing and a weekly food and activity chart to use for meal and exercise planning.
The linked templates are what she came up with and are easily adaptable. She sent them to me because others might be interested in using them.
You can download here as and Go to Go back to © Copyright 2010 David Mendosa. All Rights Reserved. You may quote part of this page in on-line documents and printed publications, but please notify me so I can add a reference and make sure that you add pointers to the places where people can get the latest version. Permission to link this site to yours is not needed. Of course, I would be delighted to hear from you, especially if you have a new site that you think should be linked here. I have no control over the content or continued existence of any external on-line resources linked here, and I therefore cannot guarantee that they will function as promised.
The appearance of a site on this list does not imply any endorsement by me. Since this information is constantly changing, readers are urged to email corrections and updates to me. If you have a question about your health, please go to either at the Diabetes Monitor, or use the at Children with Diabetes.