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A ab abs: (prep + abl) numbers - counting from. A ab abs: (prep + abl) separation - out of (one out of many). A ab abs: (prep + abl) in connection with, with regard to. A ab abs: (prep + abl) with passive verbs - by, because. A ab abs: (prep + abl) space- from, away from. A ab abs: (prep + abl) time - from, since, after. Abalienato: transfer of property, alienation.

Abavus: great-great-grandfather. Abbas abbatis: father /abbot. Abbatia: abbey, monastery. Abdico: to renounce, reject / abdicate / disapprove of. Abdo: put away, remove / hide, conceal. Abdomen: belly / gluttony. Abduco: to lead, or take away/ detach, withdraw.

Abeo: to pass, to have been. Abeo: to digress / change / vanish, disappear. Abeo: + in: to be changed.

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Abeo: to go away, retire /depart from life, die. Aberro: to wander, deviate, escape.

Abhinc: ago, back from now, henceforth, hereafter. Abhorreo: to shudder.

Abicio: to throw down, dispense with, get rid of /dishearten, weaken. Abico: to humble, cast aside. Abiego: to send away, send off. Abigo: to drive off, drive away, rustle cattle, steal.

Abiungo: to unharnass/ separate, detach. Abiuro: to deny by oath.

Abluo: to wash, clean, cleanse. Abnego: to deny, refuse. Abnepos: great-great-grandson. Abnocto: to spend the night out, to stay away all night. Abnuo: to deny. Aboleo: to destroy, abolish, annul, do away with, obliterate, efface.

Abolesco: to die, perish, vanish. Abominor: to abhor, hate, detest, abominate.

Aborior: to set (as in 'the sun sets'). Abortio: miscarriage. Abortivus: one prematurely born.

Abrogo: to repeal, annul, remove, take away. Abrumpo: to break off, sever, remove, dissociate, separate. Abruptio: separation, divorce. Abscedo: to go away, depart, leave. Abscido: to cut off, to separate, take away. Absconditus: hidden, concealed.

Abscondo: to hide, conceal, secrete. Absens, absentis: (adj.) absent, missing, away, gone.

Absisto: to go away, desist. Absit: 'god forbid, 'let it be far from the hearts of the faithful'. Absorbeo: to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross. Absque: (+ ablative) without, except. Abstergo: to wipe off, clean away.

Abstulo: to take away, withdraw. Absum: to be absent, be away, be missing, be gone. Abundans: abundant, overflowing, abounding in. Abundantia: abundance, bounty, plenty. Abunde: in great profusion, profusely, abundantly. Abutor: to make full use of, to abuse. Abutor: to use abusive language / use a word incorrectly.

Abyssus: hell, abyss, chasm. Ac: =atque and. Accedo: to approach, come near /(things) to be added. Accelero: to quicken, hasten, speed /accelerate.

Accendo: to kindle, illuminate, inflame. Accendo: to rouse up, arouse, excite, incite. Acceptius: suitable for receiving. Acceptus: welcome, pleasant, agreeable. Accersitus: summoned, called. Accido: to fall down /to happen, occur / to hack, hew /to ruin. Accido: destroy.

Accipio: cepi, ceptum, to receive, accept, take. Accipio: to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn, take. Acclivius: well-disposed. Accommodo: to adjust, adapt, accommodate oneself. Accredo: to believe unconditionally, accept wholeheartedly.

Accubo: to recline at table, dine. Accumulo: to add to a heap, accumulate, amass. Accusator: accusor, plaintiff. Accuso: to accuse, blame, find fault with.

Acer: stinging, violent, bitter. Acer: sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce.

Acerbitas: harshness, bitterness, anguish. Acerbus: bitter, gloomy, dark. Acerbus: shrill, rigorous. Acervus: a heap, mass. Acidus: sharp, sour. Acies: keeness, edge, sharpness, battle-line, battlefield.

Acies: army, wing of a formation. Acquiesco: to repose, assent to, agree. Acquiro: to acquire, gain, get, obtain. Acriter: * vehemently, forcefully.

Acsi: as if, (Herimann p. Actio: to act. Actus: moving through.

Adamans: steeled, unyielding, adamant, stubborn, intransigeant. Adamo: to fall in love with, find pleasure in. Adapto: adapt, adjust, make ready, or fit.

Adaugeo: to make greater, add, increase, augment. Addo: to give, bring, place, / inspire, cause,/ add, join. Adduco: to lead, induce, persuade, bring.

Ademptio: a taking away. Adeo: (adverb) so far, to that point, so much, so long, etc. Adeo: to such a point, such an extent, so far, so long. Adeo: to approach, visit, come to, undertake. Adeptio: attainment, obtaining, achievement. Adepto: to obtain, get, acquire. Adfectus affectus: (fr.

Adficio) influenced, worked upon. Adfero affero: to cause, bring about, contribute. Adfero affero: to bring news, report / apply, bring to bear. Adficio: to affect, afflict, weaken, sap, exhaust, drain. Adflicto affligo: to injure, weaken, discourage, damage, break. Adhaero: to hang to, stick to, adhere. Adhaero: to stick, cleave, secure, keep close to.

Adhuc: till then, till now, still, even now, besides, also, yet. Adicio: to direct, address, apply / to throw to.

Adimpleo: to fulfill, perform, carry out. Adinvenio: to devise. Adinventio: to invention. Adipiscor: to come up to, overtake, obtain. Adipiscor: to acquire, arrive at, reach. Aditus: entrance, ingress.

Adiutorium: assistance, help, aid, assistance. Adiuvo: to help, aid, assist, succor. Adjicio: to add, to turn towards, move towards, suggest. Adjungo: to join connect. Adminiculum: assistance, aid. Administratio: giving of help, administration, government. Administro: to guide, serve (food).

Admiratio: wonder, astonishment, surprise, admiration. Admiror: to wonder at, admire, marvel at, be astonished. Admitto: to admit, receive. Admoneo: admonish, advise. Admoneo: to urge or incite to action. Admonitio: warning, reminder. (insult: Herimann, p.

Admoveo: to move to, bring up, apply. Adnihilo: to bring to nothing, annihilate, demolish. Adnuo: to nod assent. Adolescens: young man, coming to maturity.

Adopto: to wish for oneself, adopt, select, pick out. Adorno: to equip, furnish, embellish. Adpropinquo: * draw near, approach, near. Adservio: to aid, help, assist.

Adsidue assidue: continuously, without remission. Adstringo: to draw together, tighten, compress, compact /. Adstringo: (persons) bind, oblige, (+ refl.) commit oneself to. Adsuesco assuesco: to grow accustomed to, used to, make familiar. Adsuetudo: custom, habit. Adsum: to to be at hand/ to come. Adsum: to assist, be present, be near, be in attendance.

Adsumo (assumo): to take to oneself, claim, appropriate, call. Aduentus: arrival. Adulatio: fawning, flattery, sycophancy, buttering up. Adulator: sycophant, adulator. Adulescens: young man, youth, lad. Adulescentia: youth. Adultus: (adj.) grown up, mature, adult, of age.

Aduro (adustum): to set fire to, burn, singe, kindle, light. Adveho: to carry, come. Advena: foreigner. Advenio: to come, arrive, reach. Adventum: arrival, advent, a coming. Adversa: unfavorable. Adversarius: opponent.

Adversitas: opposition/ adversity. Adversor: to oppose, resist, fight back. Adversum: adversity. Adversus: (prep. + acc.) toward, against, facing.

Adversus: (adj.) facing, opposite, opposing. Adverto: to turn towards, direct one's attention to, attract.

Advoco: to summon, call / call in an advisor. Aedificium edificium: building, structure. Aeger: eger: sick. Aeger: diseased, sick, infected, ill. Aegre: egre: (adv.) hardly, scarcely, with difficulty, laboriously. Aegre: with displeasure. Aegresco: egresco: to fall ill, become troubled, grow worse.

Aegretudo: egretudo: sickness, mental illness. Aegrotatio egrotatio: sickness, illness. Aegroto: to languish, grow more sick, fail.

Aegrotus: ill, sick. Aegrus: ill, diseased, unwell.

Aeneus: eneus: made of copper or bronze, brazen. Aequitas: equitas: justice, fairness, equity. Aequus: equus: level, even, calm, equal, favorable, just. Aer: aeris air, atmosphere, ether, weather.

Aera: era: 4 or 5 years, years from 38 bc (Spain). Aerumna: toil, hardship, tribulation.

Aerumnosus: wretched. Aestas estas: summer. Aestimo: to estimate, guess, reckon. Aestivus estivus: pertaining to summer. Aestuo: to burn with desire, blaze, vacillate [vikings], heave.

Aestus: passionate fire. Aestus estus: heat, tide. Aestus maris: tides. Aetas: an age, stage, period of life, time, era. Aeternus eternus: eternal, everlasting, without end. Aether, aetherius: heaven, heavenly/celestial.

Aevum: age, life. Affabilis: courteous. Affamen: import.

Affatus: address, speech. Affectuosus: affectionate. Affectus: goodwill, emotion, disposition of mind. Affectus vocis: tone of voice.

Affero: to carry. Affero: adfero: to bring, give, impart, turn over. Affinitas: relationship, neighborhood.

Afflictio: reduced condition, state. Afflictus: distressed, cast down, prostrate, ruined, weakened. Affligo: to reduce, ruin, distress, cast down, strike against, weaken. Affluencia: abundance, affluence.

Affluenter: copiously, affluently. Affluo: to come in haste. Affor: to speak to, address. Ager: land, countryside, fields. Ager (agri): farm, field, acre. Agger: bulwark, mound. Aggero: to make a mound, heap up, increase.

Aggero: to pucker, pile up. Aggravo: to annoy, incommode. Aggredior: to go to, approach, address, attack. Aggredior: to go to, begin, attack. Agito: to put in motion, move, rouse.

Agna: ewe, lamb. Agnatus: a relation in the male line. Agnellus: small lamb, lambkin. Agnitio: recognition, knowledge. Agnosco: to recognize, understand, perceive.

Agnosco: to know again, recognize, report, understand, admit. Agnosco: acknowledge.

Agnus: sheep. Ago: egi: actum: to spend time, live / manage, drive, lead. Agon: agonia: combat, public contest. Agonotheta: champion. Agrarius: relating to the land, farming, or countryside. Agrestis: (adj) rustic, wild, unmannered, boorish, clodish. Agricola: (masc.) farmer, tiller of fields, cultivator.

Agripeta: (masc.) someone who seizes land, squatter, land-grabber. Ait: he says. Aiunt: they say. Ala: wing/armpit/naval squadron /part of line of battle /sails, oars.

Alacer: (-ris) quick, sharp, rapid, ready, keen. Alacritas: rapidity, quickness, animation, sharpness, eagerness. Alarius: relating to the wing of an army / allied troops. Alatus: winged, having wings. Alauda: the lark. Albeo: to become white. Album: writing tablet / list.

Albus: white. Alcedo: the kingfisher. Alcedonia: (neuter pl.) the kingfisher's time, calm, tranquility. Alces: the elk. Alcyon: the kingfisher.

Alea: dice game / risk, chance, hazard. Aleator: dice-player / gambler / someone who takes chances. Ales: augury. Alesco: to grow, mature. Alga: sea-weed. Algeo: (-ere, alsi, algens) to be cold.

Algesco: to bcome cold / to catch cold. Algidus: (-a, -um) cold. Alias: at another time / otherwise. Alibi: elsewhere, in other respects. Alica: spelt. Alicubi: everywhere, somewhere. Alicunde: from somewhere, from anywhere.

Aliena quadra vivere: to live from another's table. Alienari: (pass) to lose one's mind. Alienatio: alienation, transfer of ownership.

Alienigena: foreign, strange, outlandish. Alienigenus: composite, made up of different substances, heterogenous.

Alieno: to let go, transfer / estrange / forget. Alienus: somebody else's, foreign, alien, strange, different. Aliger: winged, having wings. Alimentum: food, provender, victuals.

Alimonia: nourishment. Alimonium: nourishment, essentials, provisions, food. Alio: to another place, person, end / for another purpose.

Alioqui: (adv.) otherwise. Alioquin: (adv.) otherwise, in some respects /in general. Alipes: wing-footed. Aliqua: some. Aliquando: at any time, sometimes, occasionally, at last. Aliquanta: (adj.) moderate, or some size.

Aliquanto: somewhat, considerably. Aliquantulus: little, small, diminutive / a little, a bit. Aliquantum: (noun) a good deal.

Aliquantus: (adj.) of some size, moderate. Aliquatenus: to a certain extent. Aliqui: some. Aliquid: someone, somebody, something. Aliquis: someone, anyone, anything, (adv.) in any respect. Aliquo: (adv.) in some direction.

Aliquot: some, several. Aliquotiens: some times. Aliquoties: [sic](adverb) several times. Aliter: otherwise, in another way, in a different fashion.

Alius: +quam = other than. Alius: atque: other than. Alius: aliter: in different ways.

Alius: alia: aliud: other, another, someone else, something else. Aliusmodi: in another way, somehow else, in a different fashion. Allatus (=adfero): having been brought. Allec: herrings, pickled fish. Allocutio: to address, encouragement. Alloquor: to address, encourage.

Alma: a nourishing one. Almitas: bounty. Almus: kind, generous / nourishing. Almus: bountiful. Alnus: the alder tree. Alnus: alder. Alo: nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain, keep.

Alodus: heritable estate. Alquod: some. Alter: (adv.) otherwise. Alter: the one. Alter altera alterum: the second, the other one. Altercatio: dispute, strife.

Alternis: by turns. Alternis sermonibus: alternating speeches, dialogue. Alterno: to do one thing and then another. Altilis: domestic fattened bird. Altithronus: one enthroned on high, seated in heaven. Altivolus: soaring.

Altor: foster-father, patron, advocate, protector, educator. Altus: matured / great / high / deep / noble / ancient, old / secret. Alumno: nurseling, student, disciple. Alumnus: nursling. Alveus: hollow, basket, bed (of a river). Amaritudo: bitterness.

Ambages: double-talk, digression. Ambiguitas: uncertainty. Ambiguus: doubtful.

Ambio + inf: to strive, solicit. Ambitio: desire for power.

Ambitus: border, edge, extent /going around, circuit. Ambitus: circumference. Ambivium: double way. Ambulo: to walk.

Amens: out of ones senses. Amicabiliter: amicably, pleasantly, sociably. Amicitia: friendship, alliance. Amictus: mantle.

Amiculum: cloak, cape. Amicus: friend, comrade. Amissio: amissus: loss. Amita: father's sister, paternal aunt. Amita: paternal aunt. Amitto: to dismiss, send away, lose, let slip away.

Amitto: let slip. Amnis: stream, torrent. Amoena: pleasant [of a place]. Amoenitas: pleasantness [of a place].

Amor: love, affection, infatuation, passion. Amotio: removal.

Amoveo: to move away, remove, take out, shift. Amplector: to embrace, surround. Amplexus: an embracing, surrounding, loving embrace, [euphemism]. Amplifico: to increase, enlarge.

Amplio: to enlarge, increase, improve. Amplitudo: size, breadth, dignity, grandeur, greatness. Amplus: large, spacious, ample /great important, honorable. An: (adv.) or 'Are you going OR are you staying?' Anarchos: without beginning, without a leader. Ancilla: maidservant, also used by nuns to decribe themselves.

Andron: corridor, aisle. Anethum: dill, anise. Anfractus: crooked, with tortuous bends. Angelus: angel. Angli: Angles [from England]. Ango: to trouble, draw together.

Angulus: corner, niche. Angustata: circumscribed. Angustus: narrow, limited, strait, tight, constricted. Anhelo: to desire, want, strive for/ breathe, live. Anima: life, soul. Animadverto: to turn the mind to, take notice of, see, perceive. Animadverto: sometimes understand, realize.

Animi: at heart. Animositas: spirit, wrath. Animosus: courageous, ardent, passionate, furious. Animosus: undaunted, wrathful.

Animus: courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul. Animus: character, intellect, memory, consciousness, often = mind. Animus: soul, spirit, intellect.

Annecto: to connect. Annona: yearly produce, grain crop / price of grain / cost of living. Annullo: to obliterate, destroy, annihilate. Annuo: to nod, consent, give assent to /approve, favor.

Annuo: to allow, grant, promise /designate. Annuo: to give assent, approve. Ansa: a handle. Anser: goose. + acc.) before/ in front of/ (adv.) before, previously.

Antea: (adv.) before, previously, formerly. Antecedo: to precede. Antecessor: predecessor. Antepono: (+ dat.) put before, prefer, favor, promote. Antequam: before (in time).

Anticipo: to surpass, excel. Antiquitas: the ancients.

Antiquus: ancient, old, hoary. Antistes: bishop. Antrum: grotto.

Anxia: uneasy. Anxio: to make uneasy, to anguish. Aper: wild boar. Aperio: to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear. Aperito: F, an opening. Aperte: openly, frankly.

Apertio: f, an opening. Apex: summit. Apices: writing.

Apostolus: (legal) notice sent to a higher tribunal / ecc. Apparatus: equipment, gear, machinery/ splendor, magnificence. Apparatus: exertion, effort. Appareo: to become visible, appear, manifest. Appello: to call, name, summon. Appello: to land.

Appello: to drive, move towards/ [passive] to land. Appenditia: appurtenance.

Applico: to land, steer, attach. Appono: to place near, put to, serve, put on the table. Appono: to appoint a person, to add something. Appositus: placed near, approaching, appropriate, appositively. Approbo: to approve.

Appropinquo: (+ dat.) to near, drawn near, come close, approach. Appropinquo: to approach.

Apto: to fit, approve, be suitable, proper, fit. Aptus: fitted, connected, fastened /prepared, fitted out. Aptus: suitable, appropriate, fitting.

+ acc.) among, in the presence of, at, at the house of. Aquila: eagle. Aquilo: the north wind. Aquilo: north wind.

Aquilus: dark colored, swarthy. Ara: altar /refuge, protection. Aranea: spider's web. Arator: plowman, cultivator. Aratrum: plow. Arbitrium: judgment. Arbitro: arbitror: to witness, bear witness / judge, arbitrate.

Arbustum: a vineyard planted with trees. Arbustus: planted with trees. Arca archa: chest, box, money box, coffin, cell. Arcanum: sacred secret. Arceo: to shut up, enclose. Arcesso, accerso: to bring, fetch, summon, call for. Archidictus: extremely eloquent.

Archipater: great ancestor. Archos: ruler. Arcus: bow (BOW and arrows), arch, bend, arc.

Ardens: burning. Ardor: ardor, impatience. Arduum: steep place, the steep. Arduus: difficult, proudly elevated. Argentum: silver, money.

Argumentatio: argumentation. Argumentosus: proven, rich in material. Argumentum: proof, evidence. Arguo: to blame, accuse /prove, expose, convict /declare.

Arguo: to show, make clear, attempt to show /censure, reprove. Argutus: acute.

Arista: the point of the ear, the beard on an ear of wheat. Arma: arms, weapons, armaments. Armarium: cupboard, chest, safe (for food, clothing, money). Armentum: herd. Armiger: armed. Armilla: armlets.

Armis: by force of arms. Armo: to provide arms, arm, equip, fit out. Aro: to plow. Arripio: to lay hold of. Arrogans: presuming, haughty. Arrogantia: presumption. Ars: (artis) skill method, technique, conduct, character.

Ars: strategem/ science, art, skill/ craft. Articulus: (of time) a moment, crisis. Artifex: author, artist, artisan, maker. Artificialiter: artfully. Artificiose: skillfuly. Artificiosus: skillful, accomplished, skillfuly made.

Arto: to press together, reduce, abrdiged. Artus: limbs. Arx: arcis: citadel, stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon. Arx, arces: town. Ascendo: to climb. Ascia: carpenter's axe, mason's trowel. Ascio: to take up, adopt as one's own.

Ascisco: to receive, admit/ adopt / take up, approve. Aspectus: countenance. Asper: rough, harsh, severe. Asper: violent, fierce, rough. Aspergo: to sprinkle, cover. Asperitas: roughness, severity/ harshness, fierceness. Aspernatio: contempt.

Aspernor: to spurn. Aspersus: instructed. Aspicio: to look at, behold, gaze at, see. Aspirator: inciter.

Asporto: to carry off, take away. Assensus: approval. Assentator: flatterer, sycophant, yes-man. Asser: a stake, pole. Assero: to claim, defend. Assiduus: unremitting. Assilio: to leap upon.

Assimilares: adj, similar. Assimulo: simulate, immatate, represent. Assuesco: (-sueui, -suetum) to accustom, to accustom oneself. Assus: dried, roasted, grilled.

Astrum: star, constellation. Astus: m, cunning. At: (conj.) but. (more emphatic and emotional than sed). Atavus: great-great-great grandfather, ancestor. Ater: gloomy, malicious.

Atqui: (conj.) and yet, still. Atrer: atra: atrum: dark, gloomy. Atrocitas: hashness, cruelty, frightfulness, barbarity, horror. Atrociter: cruelly, violently. Atrox: terrible, cruel, horrible, harsh. Attentus: attentive, careful of one's property.

Attero: destroy, waste, weaken, impair. Attero: to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode. Attero: attritus: to weaken[en], wear away, wear down.

Attinet: [+ inf.] is of importance. Attollo: to exalt. Attollo: to raise, lifet up, elevate/ excite, exalt. Attonbitus: frantic, inspired, thunder-struck, stunned. Attonitus: stunned, thunderstruck.

Attrecto: to touch. Attributa: assigned, associated. Auarca: leather sandal worn by pyrenean peasants. Auctor: author, originator.

Auctorita: authority, power. Auctoritas: authority. Auctorizo: to confirm, approve, authenticate. Auctus: growth, enlargement, increase.

Audacia: temerity. Audacter, audaciter: boldly, proudly, fearlessly. Audax: bold, rash, foolhardy. Audentia: boldness, courage. Audeo: to dare. Audio: to hear, hearken, listen to. Auditor: hearer, listener.

Aufero: to carry away, remove /steal, carry off, make away with. Aufero: to take away by force. Augeo: increase, enlarge, enrich. Augeo: to increase, strengthen.

Augmento: to increase. Augmentum: increase, growth. Aula: court, hall. Aura: heaven, breeze. Aureus: golden. Austerus: strict, rigid, stern. Ausus: risk, hazard, gamble, dare.

Aut:.aut: either.or. Autem: but, on the other hand, however, moreover, also. Autumo: to assert, believe, affirm. Autus: increase, enlargement, growth. Auxilium: aid, help, assistance, support.

Avara: avaricious. Avaritia: avarice, greed. Avarus: greedy, avaricious. Aveho: to carry away, remove (avexi avectum ). Avello: to tear away, tear off.

Aversor: to repulse. Averto: to turn away, avert, avoid. Avoco: to call away, divert. Avunculus: maternal uncle. Avus: grandfather. Bacca: berry, pearl.

Baccatus: set with pearls, pearl encrusted, ornamented with pearls. Bacchatus: enraged.

Bacifer: berry-bearing. Bacillum: rod, a small staff. Baculum: baculus: cane, walking stick, staff. Baiulo: to carry a burden, have a responsibility. Baiulus: porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden /steward.

Bajulo: to to carry. Balaena: whale. Balanus: acorn, chestnut, date. Balatro: fool, buffoon, jester. Balatus: bleating of sheep, baaing. Balbus: stammering, stuttering, fumbling. Balbutio: to stutter, stammer /speak obscurely.

Balena: whale. Balineum: balneum: bath, bathhouse, bathing-place.

Ballista: a siege engine, catapult, stone thrower. Balnearius: pertaining to the bathhouse /bathhouse. Balneator: keeper of a bathhouse. Balo: to bleat.

Balsamam: balsam tree /balsam gum. Balteus: girdle. Barathrum: pit, abyss /the underworld. Barba: beard, whiskers.

Barbare: barbarously, uncouthly, savagely/ in a foreign manner. Barbaria: a country other than Greece or Rome, savagery, rudeness. Barbaria: lack of culture, state of being uncivilized and/or uncouth.

Barbaricus: a foreigner/ not Greek or Roman/ outlander. Barbarus: barbarian/ foreigner/ rude, uncouth, rough, savage. Barbarus: barbarian. Barbatus: bearded, having a beard.

Bardus: stupid, slow, dull. Baritus: barritus: German war cry. Baro: dolt, simpleton, fool, blockhead. Barrus: elephant. Bascauda: a basket.

Basiatio: the act of kissing, giving a kiss, being kissed, a kiss. Basiator: one who kisses. Basilica: a public building for law cases, etc./ a church, cathedral.

Basilice: royally, regally. Basilicus: regal, royal, princely. Basio: to kiss.

Basis: a base/ foundation/ pedestal. Basium: a kiss. Battuo: to beat, strike, smack, knock, hit.

Beatitas: happiness, felicity, blessedness. Beatus: blessed, fortunate, sometimes 'saint'. Bellaria: [pl.] dessert. Bellator: [adj] courageous, brave, warlike.

Bellator: fighting man, warrior. Bellatorius: warlike, martial, pugnacious. Belle: prettily, handsomely, charmingly. Bellicosus: warlike. Bellicum: a signal to march, attack, advance, charge. Bellicus: martial, military, war-like.

Belliger: at war, waging war, in a state of war, warlike. Belligero: to wage war, be at war, be in a state of war. Bello: to wage war. Bellor: to wage war. Bellua: a brute, beast, large animal.

Bellum: war, warfare. Bellus: beautiful, pretty, charming, handsome. Bene: well (melior: better / optime: best ). Beneficentia: kindness, benevolence, kindliness.

Beneficium: benefit, favor, service, privilege, right. Beneficium: boon, reward, wages, bribe, gift, pious donation. Beneficus: kind, generous, obliging. Benevolens: well-wishing, helpfull, thoughtful, kindly. Benevolentia: benevolence, kindness, good will.

Benigne: kindly, generously. Benignitas: kind, friendly, generous/ abundant, bounteous. Benignus: kind, generous, helpful. Beo: to bless. Bestia: animal, beast.

Bibo: to drink, quaff. Bicallis: foot-path, path. Bidens: sheep, sacrificial animal. Bipennis: battle-axe. Bivium: place where two ways meet. Blande: carefully, softly.

Blandio: to flatter. Blandior: to flatter, caress, (+ dat.) coax. Blanditia: blandishments, attractions, allurement, charm. Blanditium: allurement, persuasion. Blandus: flattering, persuasive. Blasphematio: reviling.

Blasphemo: to revile. Blasphemus: blasphemer, [adj.] reviling. Blatta: purple.

Boatus: bellowing. Bona: good qualities, gifts, blessings as well as material properties. Bonae indolis: of great promise. Bonus: good (melior: better / optimus: best ).

Boo: boare: to cry out, sing, praise, narrate. Bos (bovis ): cow, ox. Bracteola: thin gold leaf. Bravium: reward.

Brevis: short, small, brief. Brevitas: shortness, brevity. Breviter: briefly. Britones: Bretons. Bucinum: trumpet-blast. Bulla: stud, boss, formal papal document. Caballus: steed.

Cacumen: apex, peak. Cadaver: corpse. Cado: to fall, drop, plummet, topple. Caecus: blind, sightless. Caedes: carnage. Caedo: to fell, fall, be fruitless, kill. Caelebs: celibate.

Caelestis: heavenly, celestial / noun, a god, dweller in heaven. Caeli: skies, heavens, vault of heauen.

Caelitus: from heaven. Caelum: sky, heaven. Caetera: the rest, that remaining. Calamitas: calamity, misfortune, disaster, loss. Calamitosus: disastrous.

Calamus: anything made or reed -- pen, arrow, pipe, etc. Calcar, -is: spur. Calceata: paved road. Calco: to tread, trample upon, tread under foot. Calculus: pebble, stone. Caleo: to be warmed, be inflamed.

Caliga: darkness, gloom, mist. Caligo: to becloud, darken. Caligo: to make dizzy. Calix: a vessel for drinking.

Callide: skilfully, cleverly / cunningly, slyly, subtly. Calliditas: cunning. Callidus: clever, dextrous, experienced, skilful / cunning, sly. Caltha: marigold. Calumnior: to accuse falsely.

Calvities: baldness. Calvus: bald.

Calx: the heel /stone, pebble /lime /goal, aim. Camena: poetry, poem, song. Camera: vault, vaulted room /small boat. Caminus: a forge, large hearth. Campana: bell.

Campeador: champion of the field, victor. Campester: flat, even, level/ a plain. Campitor: charger, battle-horse, war horse. Campus: level place, field, plain. Camur: curved, bent, hooked. Canalis: channel, canal /pipe. Cancer: crab /the direction south /heat of summer /disease of cancer.

Candela: taper, candle. Candelabrum: lamp-stand. Candeo: to shine, glow, grow brilliant, sparkle. Candide: openly, clearly, candidly. Candidus: bright, shining, white.

Canistrum: bee-hive. Canities: grey hair /old age.

Canonicus: canonical, according to the canons, legal, lawful, right. Canonus: canon, member of a cathedral chapter or canonry, Augustinian. Canto: to sing.

Capillus: hair. Capio: to rent, hire /seize, arrest. Capio: to take, choose /attack, injure/ comprehend. Capistro: to halter, put a halter on a horse. Capistrum: halter, harness, mazzle. Capitagium: poll tax. Capitale: cattle, possessions, chattels.

Capitulus: chapter, chapter meeting, chapter house. Capra: she-goat. Capreolus: roebuck. Captio: imprisonment. Captivas: captivity. Captivo: to take captive.

Captivus: captive. Capto: to seize, catch at / strive after, desire, seek. Capto: to grab, try to get, grab. Captus: a catching, taking / power or manner of comprehension / idea. Captus: taken, captured, prisoner.

Capulatio: decapitation. Capulum: hilt. Capulus: coffin / handle / hilt of a sword. Caput: capitis: head / top, summit /chief /capital /leader, captain. Caput ieiunius: Ash Wednesday.

Carbasa: (-orum, n.) flax, flaxen, made of flax. Carbaseus: made of canvas. Carbasum: canvas sail.

Carbasus: heteroclite. Carbo: carbonis: carbon, coal, charcoal /burning wood, burnt wood. Carbonarius: a charcoal burner. Carcer: prison, cell, jail, dungeon. Carceres: the starting-place of a race course.

Carchesium: a goblet with handles /top of a mast /scuttle. Cardiacus: of the stomach. Cardo: -inis, m.) a hinge /pole or pivot. Cardo: [boundary] line, a line limiting a field by agrimensores. Cardo duplex: a cardinal point /main consideration. Cardo duplex: ends of the earth's axis.

Carduus: thistle. Carectum: sedgy spot, place thick with rushes. Careo: (+ abl.) to absent oneself from. Careo: (+ abl. Of sep.) be without, be deprived of, lack, want.

Careo: to feel the want of. Carex: (-icia) rush, sedge. Caries: rottenness, corruption, decay. Carina: the keel of a ship /ship, vessel.

Cariosus: rotten, decayed. Caris: (-idia f.) a kind of crab.

Caritas: high price /high cost of living /dearness, affection. Caritas: charity. Carmen: song, poem /prediction, incantation /religious formula.

Carnero: steer, cow. Carneus: made of flesh. Carnifex: executioner, hangman. Carnificina: the work of a hangman, execution /torture. Carnifico: behead, mangle, mutilate. Caro: (carnis f.) flesh, meat.

Carpo: to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on to. Carptor: one who carves food. Carruca: four-wheeled carriage. Carrus: four-wheeled baggage wagon. Caruncula: small piece of flesh. Carus: dear, beloved /costly, high-priced, expensive. Casa: hut, cottage, cabin.

Caseus: cheese. Casia: a tree with an aromatic bark/ sweet-smelling mezereon. Casses: a net, trap, snare, spider's web. Cassida: a metal helmet. Cassis: a metal helmet.

Casso: to bring to naught, destroy, annul, make void. Casso: in vain. Cassus: empty, hollow/ [+ abl.] deuoid of/ worthless useless, vain. Cassus: [+ abl.] to be devoid of whatever. Castanea: a chestnut or chestnut. Caste: purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly, chastely.

Castellani: garrison of a fortress. Castellanus: relating to a fortress, castellan. Castellatim: in single fortresses.

Castellum: castle, fortress, fort, citadel/ shelter, refuge. Castigatio: [-onis] punishment, reproof. Castigator: one who punishes, reproves, corrects. Castigatus: restrained, orderly, neat. Castigo: reprove, chasten, punish, chastise/ check, restrain. Castimonia: purity, chastity, state of being unpolluted, morally clean. Castitas: chastity, pure, morally clean, unpolluted.

Castor: beaver. Castra: [-orum] an encampment, temporary fortification, bivouac. Castra aestiva: summer camp, quarters, bivouac. Castra hiberna: winter camp, quarters, station castrensis: pertaining to a camp, military/ disciplined, orderly. Castro: castrate, enervate, weaken, unman, emasculate. Castrum: castle, fort, fortress, fortified encampment, station. Castrum: fortress.

Castus: clean pure, chaste/ pious. Casualis: accidental, fortuitous. Casula: chasuble, monk's cowl. Casus: a falling /occasion, opportunity /event.

Casus: accident, violent death. Casus: downfall. Casus: accident, chance, fortune. Catena: chain, fetters. Caterva: crowd, troop, flock. Catervatim: in troops, in masses.

Cauda: the tail of an animal. Causa: cause /reason, motive, pretext /interest. Causa: case at law, case, law-suit /situation, condition.

Causa: (in the abl.) on account of, for the sake of. Causidicus: advocate, pleader.

Caute: cautim: cautiously, with security. Cautela: caution, precaution, security. Cautio: caution, care, foresight.

Cautor: one who is on his guard/ one who goes bond, suretor. Cautor: guarantor. Cautus: [property] made safe, secured/ fenced/ secured by law. Cautus: [persons] careful, cautious /[things] secure, made safe.

Cautus: circumspect. Cavare: manorial task of cultivating, digging, ditching, etc.caveo: cavea: hollow place, cavity/ cave/ pit. Of a person= take care of, provide for. Caveo: +acc.= be on guard against /+ut+subj.=take care that. Caveo: [cavi cautum] beware, avoid, look out for. Caveo: give security, mortgage.

Caverna: hollow place, cavity, cave, cavern. Cavo: hollow out, excavate/ pierce/ dig, cultivate. Cavum: a hollow, hole, cavity, pit, excavation, depression. Cavus: [-a, -um] hollow, empty.

Cavus: hole, pit. Cedo: cessi: cessum: to grant, yield/ withdraw. Cedo: (+ dat.) give ground to, submit to, be inferior to. Cedo: to go, proceed /turn out, happen/go away, withdraw. Celebratio: large crowd, audience, assembly. Celebrer: adj, renowned, well known, popular, famous. Celebris: celebrated.

Celebritas: crowd, multitude /celebration /fame, renown. Celebrus: abounding in, rich in, much frequented, respected. Celer: quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast. Celeritas: speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness. Celeriter: rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily. Cella: room, store-room, garret. Cellarius: adj.

Relating to a store-room /n. Celo: to hide, conceal, keep secret. Celox: -ocis fast, rapid, swift, fleet.

Celsitudo: loftiness. Celsus: elevated, lofty /arrogant, proud, haughty. Cena: dinner, meal. Cenaculum: garret, attic. Ceno: to dine. Censeo: censui, censum/ estimate, assess, evaluate.

Censeo: argue, suggest, advise. Censor: judge. Censura: opinion, judgment.

Census: -us/ wealth, property /census. Census: gifts, tax, annual render. Centum: one hundred, 100 (undeclinable). Cerealis: sacred to Ceres. Cerno: to separate, sift, distinguish /decide, resolve, determine. Cerno: to perceive.

Cernuus: faling headlong. Certamen: contest, contention, rivalry of any kind, conflict. Certamen: engagement, combat. Certe: certo: (adv) certainly, assuredly. Certo: to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat. Certo: to struggle, fight.

Certus: undoubted, certain, sure, settled, resolved. Certus: decided /definite. Certus: determined. Cervix: neck, boldness.

Cervus: stag, deer. Cesso: to leave off, cease /linger, delay. Cetera: for the rest, otherwise. Ceteri: the remaining, the rest, the others.

Ceterum: (adv.) otherwise, moreover, but. Ceterus: the other, the rest. Chalybs: steel, iron, sickel, sword. Charisma: carisma: gift, present. Charitas: benevolence, offering. Charus: affectionate. Charybdis: whirlpool.

Chirographum: autograph, person's own handwriting /written charter. Chorus: troop. Cibaria: victuals. Cibo: food for animals. Cibus: food for men and animals. Cicuta: hemlock. Ciminatio: accusation, calumny, charge.

Ciminosus: reproachful, slanderous. Cineres: Ash Wednesday. Cinis: cineris: ashes, embers.

Circumsto: to beset. Circumvenio: to come around, surround, cheat, defraud. Circumvenio: to beset, assail. Citara: a harp.

Citatio: summons, call. Citatus: summons, citation. Citatus: quick, speedy. Citius: speedily, quickly, rapidly. Citivolus: swiftly flying. Cito: to be moved, aroused.

Cito: quickly, rapidly, speedily. Cito: to put into quick motion, quickened. Civilis: civil, civic. Civis: citizen, townsman, bourgeois, burgess. Civitas: state, citzenship, city-state, city.

Clades: scourge. Clam: secretly, in secret, stealthily. Clamito: to bawl out for. Clamo: to call, shout, cry aloud, proclaim, declare. Clamor: a shout, cry, loud call, outcry. Clango: to sound.

Clangor: sounding. Claritas: brightness. Claritudo: brightness. Claro: to make bright or clear, make clear in the mind.

Clarus: clear, bright /renowned, famous, illustrious. Claudeo: to limp, halt, be lame, to hobble. Claudico: to limp. Claudo (clausus): to confine, shut up, close, blockade, besiege. Claudus: lame. Claustrum: bolt, bar, prison, den, pen, enclosure/ cloister.

Clementer: compassionately, mercifully. Clementia: indulgence, forbearance, humanity, mercy, gentleness, etc. Clibanus: oven, furnace/ tray for bread making. Clima: clime, region. Clypeus: brazen shield. Coacervo: to collect in a mass.

Coacto: to force, compel, coerce. Coactu: by force, under compulsion. Coactum: force, compulsion, coercion. Coactus: constrained. Coadunati: collected. Coadunatio: a gathering together, a summing up, a uniting. Coaduno: to collect.

Coaegresco: to become sick at the same time. Coangusto: to confine. Coarto: to confine. Coepi: began, started, undertook, initiated (pres. Coepio: to begin, undertake. Coepto: to begin, undertake. Coeptum: undertaking.

Coerceo: surround, enclose, restrain, confine/ regulate. Cogitatio: thorough consideration. Cogitatus: thought. Cogito: to think, ruminate, ponder, consider, plan. Cognatio: kindred. Cognatus: (adj.) related by blood (noun) a relative, kinsman.

Cognomen: surname, family name, nick-name. Cognosco: to examine, inquire, learn. Cogo: to to force, compel, compress. Cogo: coegi, coactum: to bring together, drive, draw. Cogo: to compel, restrict, confine. Cohaereo: to cling to, correspond to.

Cohaero: cohero: cohesi: cohesum: to adhere, stick together. Cohaero: to cleave to. Cohibeo: confine, restrain, hold back, repress. Cohors: a yard, enclosure /troop, 1/10 of a legion. Cohortor: to encourage, incite, exhort. Coitus: company.

Collator: contributor. Collaudo: to praise very much, approve highly. Colligo: legi, lectum, to collect, gather together, assemble. Colligo: to bind. Colloco: to place, put, arrange. Colloco: to station.

Colloquium: speech, conference. Colluctatio: wrestling.

Colluctor: wrestle. Collum: neck. Michael Jackson The Essential Itunes Torrent. Colo: colui: cultum: cultivate, cherish.

Colonus: tiller of the soil, inhabitant. Color: color, luster. Coloratus: colored /dark-complexioned. Coloro: to color.

Coma: hair of the head, leaves, rays of light. Combibo: to drink up, suck in. Comburo: to burn up, to ruin, consume. Comedo: comedi: comesum: to eat up, consume /waste, squander. Comes: comitis: companion, friend, comrade /count. Cometes: comet. Cometissa: comitissa: countess.

Comis: courteous, kind, friendly, obliging. Comitatus: accompanied. Comitatus: train, retinue, following /war band. Comiter: courteously, in a kindly, friendly manner. Comito: to accompany. Comitto: to entrust, commit. Commemoro: to remind, relate, mention/ to keep in mind.

Commendo: to commit. Commeo: To go up and down, back and forth, in and out. Commercium: wares, [+ gen.] fellowship with. Commessatio, onis: eating together.

Commilito: comrade, companion in war. Comminor: to threaten. Comminuo: to scatter, weaken, damage.

Comminus: hand to hand, in close combat. Commisceo: to intermingle, join, mix. Commiscere: to mingle. Commissio: perpetration, execution, performance, action. Commissum: offence. Commissum: undertaking, that which is entrusted.

Committo: to place, intrust, join. Commodo: to make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serve. Commodo: (+ acc.) to furnish, lend, give. Commodum: suitable time, opportunity, convenience, use. Commodum: convenience, advantage, opportunity, comfort. Commodum: profit, favorable condition, requirements.

Commodus: proper, fit, commodious. Commodus: useful. Commoneo: to remind someone forcibly of somthing. Commoneo: to remember, recollect. Commoneo: to impress upon one.

Commorantes: inhabitants. Commoro: in loco insidiarum: to lie in ambush. Commoror: remain, stay, abide, linger. Commoror: to sojourn, remain, inhabit. Commotio: agitation. Commotus: disordered, moved.

Commoveo: to move violently, disturb, shake /excite, upset. Communico: to share. Communis: common, general, run of the mill. Compaciscor: agreed upon.

Compacta: covenanted. Compactor: constructor. Compages: structure. Compar: companion. Comparo: to compare. Compater: the godfather of a man's child.

Compatior: to suffer with one, feel pity, have compassion. Compello: to drive together, collect, force, compel. Compello: to to urge, address, speak to. Compendiose: briefly. Comperio: to disclose fully, find out with certainty, lay open. Comperio: to learn, find out, ascertain. Comperte: on good authority.

Compes: fetters. Compesco: to restrain. Compescor: to suppress, repress, check, restrain. Compescor: to fasten together, hold in check, curb. Competentia: agreement.

Competo: to be appropriate, suitable, fit. Compitum: cross-road.

Complaceo: to be very pleasing to. Complacitus: favorable. Complector: compass. Complectus: embrace, grasp.

Compleo: to fill up, man, bring up to strength, fulfil. Compleo: to finish, complete.

Complex: confederate. Complexo: encompass, embrace. Complico: to fold together. Compono: to put together, compose. Compono: to adjust, [+ abl.] settle. Compositio: composition, agreement, pact/ arrangement. Compositus: orderly, matching, made up of pieces.

Compotus: computus: calculation, reckoning. Comprehendo: to seize, arrest, take prisoner, catch red-handed. Comprehendo: to grasp, take together, unite /comprehend. Comprehendo: to embrace, take firmly, include, seize.

Comprehendo: to to gather together, apprehend. Comprimo: to hold back, hinder, keep to oneself. Comprobo: to approve fully/ to confirm, prove, establish. Compromitto: to agree to refer to arbitration, or an arbitrator. Comprovincialis: born in the same province. Compte: elegantly, with ornament.

Comptus: a head-dress, a hairband. Conamen: effort. Conatus: exertion, effort / undertaking / impulse, inclination. Concateno: to link together, bind together.

Concavo: to hollow out. Concedo: to concede, yield, allow, grant, withdraw, give up. Concepta: measures, capacity. Concero: connect join, twine, join in conflict. Concido: to fall down, sink, perish / (wind) subside. Concido: to be ruined, fail /cut up, cut down, destroy.

Concieo: to bring together, assemble. Conciliator: mediator.

Concilio: to assemble, bring togethe. Concilio: win over, reconcile, unite /cause. Concilio: to make friendly, procure the favor, bring together. Concilium: council.

Concilium: conciliation. Concino: to sing together, celebrate. Concio: to stir up. Concipio: to take or lay hold of, receive, take in/ conceive. Concisus: cut up, broken, brief, concise.

Concite: quickly. Concito: to move violently, stir up, excite, arouse. Conclamo: to bewail as lost. Concordia: concord, harmony, agreement.

Concordis: harmonious, united. Concordo: to harmonize, unite. Concremo: to consume, burn up. Concresco: to take form, grow strong. Concretio: growing-together.

Concubitus: copulation. Conculco: to tread under foot, despise, oppress, suppress. Conculco: to abuse, tread down, tread under foot. Concupiscentia: avarice, covetousness. Concupisco: to covet, aim at, desire eagerly. Concupisco: to covet. Concurro: to concur.

Concursus: charge, assembly. Concussio: oppression, extortion. Concutio: to shake together, agitate, alarm, disturb, shatter. Concutio: to strike together, shake, terrorize. Condeco: to meet.

Condico: to agree, fix, settle, make arrangements. Condita: laid up store, foundation, establishment, making. Conditor: creator.

Condo: erect, establish, build. Condo: to store, place. Condoleo: to suffer greatly.

Conduco: hire, employ for wages, among many other meanings. Conduco: to conduct, lead forth. Confero: to bring together, put together, collect/. Confero: discuss, debate, confer/ betake oneself, devote. Confestim: speedily, rapidly, immediately, without delay.

Confestim: without delay. Confidenter: boldly, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Confido: have confidence in, be confident of, rely upon. Confido: to trust confidently, believe. Configo: to transfix. Confingo: to fabricate, make up. Confinio: neighborhood, limit.

Confirmo: to confirm. Confiteor confessus: to confess, own up, admit, acknowledge.

Conflictus: contest, impulse. Confortari: to be strong. Conforto: to strengthen much. Conforto: to strengthen much, soothe. Confraga: cracks.

Confugio: to take refuge in, have recourse to. Confugo: to flee, have recourse to, take refuge. Confundo: to pour together, mix, blend /confound, confuse, trouble. Confundo: to bring into disorder, confounding, destroy.

Confusim: in a confused way, fumbling. Confusio: mingling, mixture /confounding, confusion, disorder. Confusio: a combining, blemish, disorder. Confusus: confused, disorderly /embarassed, troubled, confounded.

Confuto: to check, repress, stop, halt, turn back /silence. Confuto: supress, keep silent /convict. Confuto: to confute /restrain, check, repress. Congelo: to congeal, harden, freeze. Congeries: pile, mass.

Congero: to collect, compile. Conglobo: to amass. Congratulor: to rejoice. Congredior: to accost.

Congredior navigio: to sail. Congregatio: assembly, society, union. Congrego: to gather together, assemble, convene. Congrego: to assemble. Congressio: hostile attack, coming together. Congressus: a meeting, association.

Congressus: encounter, assembly, meeting, congress. Congrue: adv, suitably. Congruens: appropriate, proportioned. Congruenter: harmoniously.

Congruo: coincide, agree, conform. Congruus: appropriate, suitable. Congruus: agreeing, fit, suitable. Conicio: to hurl, throw /put together, conjecture. Coniecto: to throw together, infer, guess, conclude. Conitor: to press upon, to struggle to reach.

Coniuratio: conspiracy, plot. Coniuratus: conspirator, plotter. Coniuro: to take an oath together, plot, conspire.

Conjugium: wedlock. Conjugo: to unite. Conjungo: to unite. Conjuratio: confederacy. Conjuratus: sworn. Conjuro: to unite by an oath, conspire.

Conjux: consort. Connecto: to join, bind. Connexio: bond. Connubialis: sexual.

Connubium: sexual union. Conor: to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt, presume. Conor: to try, endeavor. Conqueror: to complain loudly. Consanguinei: relations.

Conscendo: to ascend, mount, go up. Conscendo navem: to embark. Conscientia: conscience, consciouness, knowledge. Conscindo: to tear in pieces. Conscius: conscious of, aware of. Conscius: privy to. Conseco: to dismember, cut into pieces, chop up.

Consecro: to dedicate, consecrate, sanctify/ to curse/ deify. Consecro: to dedicate.

Consectatio: striving, pursuit. Consenesco: to grow old, weak, feeble, infirm. Consensio: agreement, harmony, cooperation /plot, conspiracy. Consentaneus: suited to. Consentio: to agree, consent /plot, conspire. Consepio: to hedge in.

Consequens: according to reason. Consequentia: f, consequential, relating. Conservo: to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to. Considero: to look at, regard carefully.

Considero: to contemplate, inspect. Consido: to set down, settle. Consiliarii: counsellors. Consilio: intentionally, on purpose, designedly. Consilium: advice, suggestion, wisdom, plan, purpose, judgment.

Consilium: deliberation, consultation, assembly, council. Consilium: deliberation, resolution, measure as in plan, advice. Consimilis: adj, similar. Consisto: (+ in) to depend on, rely on. Consisto: to take one's stand, stand still, stop, be posted. Consisto: (+ abl. Etc.) to be formed of, consist/ stop, stay.

Consitor: sower, planter. Consobrinus: maternal first cousin. Consolatio: encouragement, amelioration, consolation. Consolido: to make firm.

Consolo: to comfort. Consonum: adj, n, harmonious.

Consors: companion, comradeship. Consortio: partnership, company. Conspergo: to sprinkle, bestrew. Conspicio: to catch sight of, perceive, behold, understand. Conspicio: to observe. Conspicuus: striking.

Conspiratio: union. Constans: steady, firm, unchanging, constant, unwavering. Constans: constant. Constanter: steadily, firmly, dependably, steadily. Constantia: constancy, firmness, solidity.

Constat: it is certain. Constipatus: surrounded. Constituo: to fix, station, place, cause to stand, set.

Constituo: to set up, place, establish, post, station. Constituo: to arrange, decide, appoint, settle, found, set up. Constituo: to establish, appoint. Consto: to be established, stand firm, stop, endure. Constrictio: to bind together, draw together.

Constringo: to fetter. Constringo constrixi constrictum: to bind, confine, restrain. Construo: construxi: constructum: to construct, build, arrange.

Construo: to bring together. Constupator: ravisher, debaucher. Constupro: to ravish, corrupt. Consuasor: advisor, counselor. Consuefacio: to accustom, acclimate, become used to. Consuesco: to accustom, inure, habituate. Consueta: customary, usual.

Consuetudo: custom, usage, habit /intimacy, familiar acquaintance. Consul: magistrate. Consulatio: deliberation, inquiry, full consideration. Consulo: to look to the interests of, come to a conclusion. Consulo: to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect.

Consulo: (+ dat.) look to the interests of/consult, ask advice. Consulo: to take counsel. Consulo: + dat: take care of, for, advise. Consulto: to ask the advice of, consult. Consulto: to consider carefully, weigh, ponder. Consulto: to consult + acc.

Consultum: decree. Consultum: advice.

Consummatio: completion, summing up, adding up. Consummo: to add together, sum up, make perfect, complete. Consumo: to spend, employ, use up, finish, waste away, destroy. Consumo: to devour.

Consuo consui consutum: to sew together, stitch. Consurgo: to stand up, rise up /to arise, break out. Contabesco: to waste slowly away, decline in health. Contactus: touching, contact /contagion. Contages: a touch, contact.

Contagio: infection. Contagio contagium: contagion, infection /touching, contact. Contamino: to pollute, infect. Contamino: to defile. Contego: to cover, shield, protect, defend. Contego: to conceal. Contemno: to think meanly of, despise, condemn, hate.

Contemno: to defy. Contemplatio: survey, contemplation. Contemplor: to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey. Contemplor: to observe. Contemptim: contemptuously. Contemptio: scorn, disdain, contempt. Contemptus: despised, despicable, contemptible.

Contendo: to compare, contrast /compete. Contendo: to assert, maintain /shoot (a missile), cast. Contendo: to contend, strive, struggle, hasten. Contente: eagerly, earnestly. Contentio: controversy, straining. Contentus: strained, stretched /eager, zealous.

Contentus: contented, satisfied. Contero: to crush.

Conticeo: to be silent. Conticinium: first part of the night, evening. Contigo: (with dat.), to happen, befall. Contineo: to touch, reach, grasp, affect, infect. Contineo: to keep in, surround, contain, confine, include. Contineo: to hold, to keep togethere, to contian.

Contineo: hold together, keep together, connect, join. Contineo: to hold back, restrain. Contineo contigi, contectum: border on /befall (good luck). Contingo: to touch /(intransitive) to happen, befall, occur. Contingo: (contactum) to touch closely, happen to, befall. Contingo: to concern, meet with, attain. Continuo: forthwith, without delay.

Continuo: to join (together), to be after. Continuo: (adv.) immediately, at once. Continuus: uninterrupted, next. Continuus: connected together, continuous, uninterrupted. Contorqueo: to twist.

Contra: (+ acc.) against. Contradico: to speak against, oppose verbally, gainsay. Contradictio: contradiction, opposition. Contradictio: objection.

Contradictio: a speaking against, contradiction. Contrado: to deliver together, or wholly. Contraho: to gather together, assemble, draw up, unite. Contraho: to conclude (an agreement)/ to reduce, contract, constrict. Contrarius: contrary, opposed.

Contrecto: to touch, handle, feel. Contremisco: to tremble, shake, quake /be afraid of. Contremo: to tremble, shake.

Contricio: crushing, contrition. Contristo: to make sad or gloomy. Contristo: to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops). Contubernium: band of armed retainers. Contumacia: arrogance.

Contumax: insolent. Contumelia: blow. Contumeliose: insolently. Contundo: to pound.

Conturbo: to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion, distress. Conturbo: to derange. Convalesco: to grow strong, gain strength. Convello: to shatter.

Conveniens: agreeing, accordant. Convenienter: consistently.

Convenio: to join together, come together. Conventio: covenant, assembly. Conventus: coming tohether, assembly, union, congress. Conventus: assembly. Conversatio: way, manner of life /monastic life. Conversatio: frequent abode in a place. Converso: to abide.

Converto: to turn around, cause to turn /to adopt the monastic life. Converto: to transform. Converto: to convert. Convinco: to overcome, conquer. Convinco: to overcome, to demonstrate.

Convoco: to call together, convene. Convulsus: shattered. Cooperio: covered wholly. Copia: abundant supply.

Copia: abundamce, supply. Copia cornu: fruitful and abundant supply.

Copiae copie: supplies, troops, forces. Copiose: fully, at length, copiously. Copiosus: wealthy, rich, abundantly provided, well-equipped.

Copiosus: well supplied, plentiful. Copula: bond. Copulo or copulor: to couple. Corbeiam: Corbie. Corium: skin.

Corollarium: flower-garland. Corona: crown, diadem. Corporeus: fleshly. Corpus: corporis: body, corpse.

Correptio: reproof. Correptius: more shortly. Corrigia: rein.

Corrigo: to correct. Corrigo: (correctum) to make correct, make right. Corripio: to seize, snatch up, steal, (of a disease) attack. Corroboro: to strengthen. Corrumpo: (documents) to falsify / (character) to corrupt. Corrumpo: to break up, destroy, annihilate /spoil, weaken. Corruo: to fall to the ground, sink down /be ruined, destroyed.

Corruo: to tumble. Corruptio: downtumble, seduction, bribery. Corturiacum: Courtrai. Corusco: to glitter, glittering.

Coruscus: (a) flashing, twinkling, shaking, trembling. Cos: whetstone. Cotidie: daily, every day. Courtacum: Courtrai. Coutor: to associate with, have dealings with. Crapula: wine-drinking, intoxication, drunkenness. Crapula: wine: intoxication, drunkenness.

Cras: (adv.) tomorrow, on the morrow. Crastinus: of the morrow, the morrow.

Creator: creator, founder. Creatura: creature, servant. Creber: thick, frequent, numerous. Crebra: frequent, repeated. Crebresco: to to become frequent. Crebro: repeatedly, often, one after the other, time after time. Credo: to believe /trust, commit / trust in, rely on/ think.

Credo: to believe. Credulitas: easiness of belief, just belief. Credulus: full of confidence.

Cremo: to consume by fire. Creo: to create, make. Creperum: darkness. Crepido: (-inis) foundation, base / pedestal / pier, quay / dam.

Crepitaculum: a rattle. Crepito: (-are) to rattle, creak, rustle.

Creptio: taking by force, seizure. Crepundia: a toy, rattle, plaything. Crepusculum: dusk, twilight. Cresco: (cretum) to grow, increase, expand / spring forth, arise. Creta: chalk, fuller's earth. Cretatus: chalked, in white.

Cretosus: abounding in chalk. Cretus: descended from. Cribro: to sift. Cribrum: sieve. Crimen: an accusation, charge / fault, guilt, crim. Crimen: cause of a crime.

Crimen: guilt. Criminatio: accusation, charge, calumny. Criminator: accuser. Criminor: to accuse / complain of. Criminose: reproachfully. Criminosus: slanderous, reproachful. Crines: hair, locks.

Crinis: hair/ tail of comet, rays of sun. Crinis: hair.

Crinitus: long haired. Crispans: wavy, curly. Crispo: (-are) to curl / move rapidly / brandish, wave. Crispus: curly-haired, curly / trembling, quivering, shaking. Crista: crest, plume / rooster's comb.

Cristatus: crested, plumed. Croceus: yellow, golden, saffron-colored, of saffron. Crocinus: yellow, saffron-colored / saffron oil. Crocodilus: crocodile. Crocotula: saffron-colored robe. Crocus: crocus, saffron / yellow, saffron-colored.

Crotalia: ear-rings. Cruciamentum: torture, torment. Cruciatus: torture, torment.

Crucio: to be afflicted. Crucio: to torture, torment.

Crudelis: cruel. Crudelitas: cruelty, inhumanity.

Crudeliter: cruelly. Crudeliter: in a cruel manner. Crudesco: to become violent, become hard. Cruditas: an overly full stomach.

Crudus: bleeding / raw, uncooked / unripe / unprepared food. Crudus: green, fresh, immature, untimely / undigested / harsh.

Cruento: to make bloody, stain with blood. Cruentus: bloody, bloodthirsty, blood-red. Crumens: bag, purse / funds, store of cash. Cruor: blood, gore.

Cruor: cruoris: bloodshed, murder, slaughter, gore. Crur, cruris: leg, shank, shin, also foot. Crusta: crust. Crusta: rind, peel, bark, shell / inlay, embossing. Crustulum: pastery, cookie. Crustum: bread, cake.

Crux crucis: cross. Crypta: vault, grotto, covered gallery. Crystallinus: of crystal. Crystalus: crystallus: a crystal, crystal drinking cup. Cubans: sloping. Cubicularis: pertaining to a bedroom.

Cubicularius: bed-chamber servant, chamberlain. Cubiculum: bedroom, sleeping chamber.

Cubile: bed, (marriage bed) / lair, den, nest / hive of bees / seat. Cubitalis: a cubit long.

Cubito: to lie down often. Cubitum: the elbow /a cubit. Cubitum ire: to go to bed, retire. Cubitus: cubitus: a lying down, rest. Cubo: to lie down, recline / be ill in bed. Cuculla: cowl.

Dat.) TO WHOM did you give it? Dat.) IN WHICH (province) did you live? Dat.) (the monster), TO WHOM the cattle belonged. Cuius: (masc. Gen.) (the saint) WHOSE virtues were many.

Gen.) (the queen), the vices OF WHOM were many. Cuius: (neut. Gen) (the building) the size OF WHICH was great. Cuiusmodi: of what kind.

Culmen: summit, pillar. Culpa: fault. Culpa: fault, blame, (esp. Aginst chastity).

Culpo: to blam, censure, accuse. Cultellus: a little knife.

Culter: cultri: plough-coulter. Cultor: cultivator, planter /with gen.= resident, inhabitant. Cultor: cultivator, worshipper. Cultura: cultivation. Cultus: worship, reverence/ splendor. Cum: (with indicative) when.

Cum: (prep + abl.) with. Cum: (with subjunctive) when, as, while, since, although. Cumulatius: in rich abundance. Cumulo: to heap. Cumulus: surplus. Cunabula: cradle. Cunae: nest for young birds.

Cunctatio: delay. Cunctator: delayer, procrastinator. Cunctor: to delay, impede, hold up. Cunctus: all, all collectively, the whole. Cuneus: troops drawn up for battle in the shape of a wedge. Cupiditas: ambition, avarice, party spirit, eager desire. Cupiditas: greed.

Cupido: passion, desire, wantining, yearning, longing. Cupidus: eager for. Cupio: to desire, wish, long for, desire.

Cupio: to desire, long for/to. Cuppedia: delicacies, candies, sweetmeats. Cupressus: cypress, cyrpess wood, a cypress-wood casket. Cur: why, wherefore. Cura: management, administration, care, concern, charge. Cura: concern.

Curatio: attention /medical attention, healing, curing. Curator: guardian, overseer. Curia: court. Curiositas: curiosity, inquisitiveness, nosiness. Curiosus: careful, attentive/ curious, inquisitive/ worn out by cares. Curis quris: a spear. Curo: to care for, trouble about, pay attention to.

Curo: manage, administer /provide money. Curo: (+gerundive) to see to a thing being done / cure, rest. Curo: to [+ negative] care nothing for.

Curriculum: a running, race, lap around the track, course. Currus: cart /a plow with wheels.

Cursim: hastily, quickly, rapidly. Cursito: to run up and down. Curso: to run back and forth. Cursor: runner, carrier, messenger. Cursus: course.

Cursus: a race, a running, race course, race track, course. Curto: to shorten, abbreviate.

Curtracus: Courtrai. Curtus: shortened /mutilated, defective /gelded. Curvo: to bend, arch, curve /influence. Curvo: to bow.

Curvus: arched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked, wrong (morally crooked). Cuspis: point, the pointed end /spear, javelin /cooking spit. Cuspis: spear. Custodia: protection, custody. Custodia: guardianship. Custodiae custodie: guards, wardens. Custodio: watch over, observe.

Custodio: to guard. Custos: (custodis) guardian, keeper, watchman, attendant,, guard /spy. Custos: guard. Cyclicus: circuitous. Daci: Dacians.

Dacigena: Dacian-born. Damnatio: condemnation. Damno: to condemn, damn. Damno: to condemn. Damnum: loss, damage.

Damnum: loss, damage, injury /a fine: dapes: fortune, wealth. Dapifer: senescal. Daps: banquet. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about. Dealbo: to purify, whitewash. Debello: cnquer, vanquish /end a war. Debello: to vanquish, finish a war, fight out.

Debeo: to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound. Debilito: to weaken, ennervate, sap, exhaust. Debitum: debt. Debrio: to intoxicate. Decens: becoming, graceful.

Decens, decenter: properly, fittingly, suitably. Decenter: becomingly, properly. Decentia: propriety, decency of behavior.

Decerno: to decide, determine, settle / to decide to do something. Decerno: to judge, resolve on. Decerpo: to pluck off / to gather, take away. Decertatio: a contest, contention. Decerto: to contend, fight to the finish.

Decessio: a retreat, withdrawal / departure, leavin. Decessio: decrease, diminution. Decessor: someone who retires / a predecessor.

Decessus: retirement / withdrawal / departure / death. Decet: it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper. Decet: fitting.

Decido: (-cisi -cisum) to cut down, cut off / arrange, settle. Decido: to fall down / fall dead, die / sink, fall. Decimus: tenth. Decipio: to ensnare, deceive.

Decipio: (deceptus) ensnare, trap, beguile, deceive, cheat. Declamatio: loud or violent speech / declamatio.

Declamatio: practice in oratory. Declamo: to declaim, orate / speak loudly. Declaratio: a clarification. Declaro: to prove. Declaro: to explain, explain, reveal. Declaro: to proclaim (a person as chosen).

Declinatio: a turning aside / declining. Declinatio: avoiding / inflection, declension. Declino: to turn aside, deflect, turn away. Declino: avoid / deviate, swerve/ digress. Declino: to turn away.

Declive: (-is) a slope, decline. Decoctor: a spendthrift, bankrupt, a fool parted from his money. Decollo: (-are) to behead. Decolo: (-are) to trickle away. Decolor: (adj.) pale, without color. Decoloratio: discoloration. Decoquo: (-ere, -coxi, -coctum) to waste / become bankrupt.

Decoquo: to boil down, boil away /(metals) melt away. Decor: beauty, grace. Decoro: to grace. Decoro: beautify, embellish, adorn.

Decorus: beautiful, graceful, charming, proper, fit, becoming. Decorus: decorated, elegant.

Decrepitus: infirm, decrepit. Decresco: to decrease, grow smaller. Decresco: to wane.

Decretum: decree, judgment, edict, order. Decretum: ordinance, principle. Decumbo: to fall, fall into, lie down. Decurro: to sail downstream. Decurro: to sing. Decurro: to run down / manoeuver / run in a race / take refuge. Decursio: (milit.) a charge, manoeuver.

Decursus: a running down /charge, manoeuver, attack. Decursus: downward course. Decurto: to mutilate. Decus: honor, dignity, ornament.

Dedecor: unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable. Dedecus: shame, dishonor, disgrace, crime, dishonorable act. Dedecus: disgrace, blemish + gen. Dedico: to dedicate.

Dedignor: to scorn. Dedo: to surrender, consign. Deduco: to lad out colonists, found a colony. Deduco: to escort, bring away. Defaeco: to cleanse, purify, purge. Defendo: to support.

Defendo: to defend, ward off, protect, shelter. Defensabiliter: defensibly. Defenso: to defend diligently. Defensor: supporter, defender. Defero: to carry, to bear, to bring. Defero: to hand over, carry down, communicate, offer, refer. Defessus: weary, tired.

Defetiscor (defessus): to grow tired, weary. Deficio: weaken, to be in want.

Deficio: (defectum) to fail, to weaken, to be in want. Deficio: to to be wanting, to run out, fail, withdraw. Defigo: fasten down, secure, fix firmly/ concentrate, fix upon. Defigo: to fasten. Definxu obtutu: to one's gaze fixed and frozen. Defleo: to bewail, weep for. Defleo: to bewail.

Defluo: to flow down, waste, disappear. Defluo: to flow away, disappear, be lost. Defuncta: deceased. Defungo: to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die, finish. Defungor: to pass away. Degenero: to cause to degenerate, disgrace by degeneracy.

Degenero: to be unlike one's kind, fall off, degenerate. Degero: to pass time, live.

Degusto: to taste. Deinde: next, then, thereafter, from that place. Deinde: adv, afterwards. Delectabilis: delightful. Delectatio: delight, pleasure, enjoyment. Delectatio: delight. Delecto: to attract, delight/ (pass + abl) take delight in.

Delecto: to delight in/ to love. Delego: to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute, ascribe. Deleo: blot out, erase /annihilate, destroy. Deleo: (deletum ) to destroy, wipe out, erase. Deleo: to obliterate, efface. Delibero: to consider, deliberate. Delibero: to determine, to be determined, resolve.

Delibuo: to anoint. Delicate: luxuriously, delicately, slowly. Deliciae: allurements, charms, delights, fancies / sweetheart. Delictum: transgression. Delinquentes: transgressors. Delinquo: to fail, be wanting/ fail in duty, commit a crime. Delitesco: to hide away.

Delubrum: shrine. Deludo: to mock, cheat. Deluo: to cleanse. Demens: (dementis ) insane, mad, out of one's mind, foolish. Demergo: to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt. Demergo: to plunge. Demitto: set dowwn, let fall (to offer payment to the church).

Demitto: to let down, lower. Demo: to take away, subtract. Demo: to remove. Demonstro: to indicate, show, describe, explain. Demonstro: to prove. Demoror: to loiter, linger, tarry, belay. Demulceo: to stroke down, caress by stroking.

Demulceo: to soften. Demum: at length at las, finally. Denego: to refuse, deny, reject. Denique: at last, finally, again, in short. Denominata: designated, designate specifically.

Dens: (dentis ) tooth. Densitas: thickness. Denso: to grow thick. Denuncio: declare, give notice, announce.

Denuntio: to announce officially, pronounce, declare. Denuntio: announce. Denuo: anew, again, a second time, afresh. Deorsum: downwards. Depascor: to feed upon.

Depereo: to perish, be utterly ruined. Depono: to put down, lay aside. Depono: to set down, bring down. Depopulatio: pillaging, looting, sacking, plundering, robbing. Depopulo: depopulor: to lay waste, ravage, devastate.

Depopulo: to pillage. Depopulor: to pillage. Deporto: to carry off, to take away.

Deporto: to carry [off], fetch. Deposco: to earnestly request. Deposco depoposci: to demand.

Depraedor depredor: to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage. Deprecatio: prayer. Deprecativus: deprecative.

Deprecator: intercessor, one who pleads on behalf. Deprecor: to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself / curse. Deprecor: to entreat for, beg for /intercede /curse. Deprecor: to deprecate, intercede?

Deprehendo: to understand, overtake. Deprehensio: detection. Deprimo (depressus): to press down, depress, low-lying. Depromo: to take down, produce, fetch out.

Depulso: push aside, thrust away. Deputari: to be classed among, be condemned to. Deputo: to count, estimate/prune, cut off. Derelinquo: to forsake, desert, abandon. Derideo: to laugh at, mock, deride. Derigesco: to become stiff. Derigo: [-rexi, -rectum] to set straight, put in order.

Deripio: to tear down, snatch away. Deruptus: broken off. Desaevio: to rave furiously.

Describo: to describe, register, assign. Desero: to leave, abandon, foresake. Desero: to abandon, foresake.

Desideratus: welcome. Desiderium: wish, longing /regret, grief /want, need. Desidero: to long for, wish for greatly, to miss. Desidiosus: lazy, unmotivated. Designo: to define, describe, designate.

Designo: designate, define, describe, mark out. Designo: to represent. Desino: leave off, give over, cease, stop, end, desist. Desino: to to stop, leave off. Desino (desiit): to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist. Desipio: to act foolishly, play the fool, make an ass of one's self.

Desisto: to desist from. Desolo: to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake. Desolo: to desert, foresake, leave.

Desparatus: given up on / desparate. Despectivus: despicable. Despecto: overlook, dispise, look down upon. Desperata: irremediable.

Despero: to have no hope, despair, give up. Despero: to be without hope, despair / despair of, give up. Despero: to despair.

Despiciens: contemptuous. Despicio: to look down, regard from above, despise. Despicio: to disdain.

Desposco: to demand. Destinatus: resolute, firm, determined, with one's mind made up. Destino: to fasten down, make fast, fix /determine settle /appoint. Destituo: to place /leave in the lurch, abandon. Destituo: to abandon, defraud. Destitutus: destitue of.

Destruo: to tear down. Desudo: to exert oneself. Desuesco: to to be unaccustomed. Desum: defui: deesse: to fail, err, fall short, be missing, absent. Desumo: to select, elect, choose, take out. Desuper: from above. Detego: detectum: to uncover, lay bare, disclose.

Detego: to expose. Determino: to fix the limits of, set boundaries to, delimit. Determino: to settle, prescribe.

Detestabilis: execrable. Detestor: to denounce.

Detineo: hold off, hold back, detain. Detineo: to keep back, detain, hang onto. Detraho: to drag off. Detrimentum: damage, loss, detriment. Detrimentum: defeat, damage. Detrudo: to thrust down.

Devasto: to lay waste, ravage. Devenio: to come to, arrive at, reach. Devia: out-of-the-way roads. Devia: lonely, unfrequented places. Devinco: to subdue.

Devio: to turn from the straight road. Devito: to avoid. Devius: inconstan. Devoco: to call away, call down, call aside. Devoro: to devour. Devotio: (Christian) piety, devotion, zeal. Devotio: piety.

Devoveo: to consecrate, sacrifice, devote /curse, execrate. Dexter: right, on the right. Dextera: the right hand. Diabolus: devil, Satan. Diadema: diadem, abbot's mitre.

Diapason: whole octave. Diapente: fifth. Diaria: daily allowance of pay, food. Diatesseron: fourth. Dico: (dictum ) to say, tell, speak, name, call, pronounce.

Dico: to say. Dico mandatum legationis: to relay a message.

Dictata: things dictated, lessons, presents. Dictator: dictator. Dictito: to say often, reiterate. Dicto: to say often, dictate, get written down. Dictum: word, dictate.

Dictus dictus: a saying, a speech. Didicerat: (?) Herimann, p. Didico: to be told (Herimann cap. Dido dididi didtum: to separate, divide, distribute.

Dies diei: day. Diffama: tus: spread around, made known. Diffamo: to proclaim. Differo: to delay, postpone / to differ, be different. Differo: to spread about, spread news / harrass, disturb.

Differo: to spread news / delay, defer, postpone. Differo: to hesitate. Differtus: stuffed full, crammed, jammed.

Difficilis: difficult, hard, troublesome. Difficultas: difficulty, need, trouble, distress. Diffidens: without self-confidence, distrusting.

Diffidentia: disobedience. Diffido: to be distrustful, distrust, despair. Diffinio: to terminate. Diffundo: to spread, pour forth, scatter. Diffusus: outspread.

Digero: to relate in order, dispose. Digestor: arranger, composer, one who makes a pattern. Digladio: to run through with swords. Dignanater: courteously. Dignitas: merit, worth, prestige, dignity.

Dignitas: rank, dignity. Dignor: to deign. Dignosco dignosco: to distinguish, recognize as different. Dignus: (+ abl.) worthy, worthy of, meritorious.

Dignus: worthy. Digredior digredi digressus: to depart, deviate, digress. Digressio: separation, departure, digression. Digressus: separation, departure, digression. Dilabor: to perish. Dilanio: to tear to pieces. Dilato: to spread out, extend, expand, increase.

Dilectio: love, solicitude, esteem. Dilgenter: attentively, earnestly, carefully, diligently. Diligens: diligent, careful. Diligenter: diligently.

Diligentia: diligence, industry, perseverance, persistence. Diligo: to choose out, esteem highly, prize, love. Diligo: to value highly.

Dilitatio: dilatatio: enlarging. Diluculo: dawn, daybreak. Diluo: (of troubles) to remove, resolve. Dimico: to contend, struggle. Dimidium: half. Dimitto: to break up, dismiss, leave, abandon, leave behind. Dimitto: to leave, forgive, send away, abandon.

Directus: plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward. Diremptio: separation.

Dirigo: to arrange, 'send out' a letter or ambassador. Diripio: to tear in pieces, lay waste, devastate, plunder. Diripio: to separate, tear apart /pillage, devastate, lay waste. Diripio: to plunder, tear to pieces.

Diripio: to snatch away. Diriter: abominably. Dirumpo: to break to pieces. Dirunitas: long duration. Diruo: to destroy. Diruo: to demolish, destroy, ruin. Dirus: abominable.

Dis: rich, possessing wealth or worth. Discedo: to depart from, deviate, leave. Discedo: (discessum ) to break up, depart, go away, pass away. Discedo: to go away.

Discerpo: to dismember, disjoint, sever /divide, break up. Discerpo: to mangle. Discessio: f, management, ordering, direction. Discidium: separation, division, disagreement, tearing apart. Disciplina: teaching.

Discipulus: disciple, student, learner, pupil. Disco: to learn, become acquainted with. Discordia: disagreement. Discrepo: to differ, to be diifferent, vary, disagree. Discretio: distinction. Discrimen: difference, hazard.

Discrimino: to separate. Discurro: to run to and fro. Discutio: to dissipate. Disicio: to lay in ruins.

Dispensatio: distribution, stewardship. Disperdo: to destroy. Dispergo: to scatter.

Dispertio: to divide. Dispono: to arrange, put in order, draw up (troops). Dispono: to describe, dispose. Disputatio: debate, dispute, discussion. Disputo: discuss.

Disrumpo: to smash. Dissemino: to spread abroad. Dissero: to examine, treat of, discuss. Dissero: to discuss, speak, declare, utter. Dissimilis: unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct.

Dissimulo: to ignore, leave unnoticed. Dissimulo: to conceal, disguise, keep secret. Dissimulo: to disguise. Dissipo: to demolish. Dissolutus: lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute, profligate.

Distinctus: separate, apart, different. Distinctus: a distinguishing, distinction, difference. Distinguo: separate, divide, part/ distinguish, discriminate. Distinguo: decorate, adorn, embellish/ punctuate. Distinguo: to divide.

Distraho: distraxi: distractum: to pull apart, pull in pieces. Distraho: (persons) estrange, distract /(property) sell up, alienate.

Distraho: (associations) to break up, dissolve. Distribuo: to distribute, divide. Distribuo: to apportion. Districtus (f. Distringo): strict, severe /hesitating /busy. Distulo; (past) to delay [MGHss 25: 268]. Ditata: endowed, endow.

Ditio: authority. Dito: to enrich, endow, make wealthy. Dito: to enrich, make wealthy. Diu: by day, for a long time, a long time ago. A long while, long time, for a long time. Diurnitas: long duration.

Diutinus: lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived. Diutius: longer, too long (a period of time). Diuturnus: lasting a long time, of long duration. Divello: to tear apart, away, untie.

Diverbero: to cudgel soundly. Diversus: different, unlike, opposed, hostile. Diverticulum: by-way. Diverto: to turn aside. Dives: rich, opulent, wealthy.

Divido: to divide, scatter. Divinatio: prediction, divination. Divinitus: divine influence, admirably, nobly, by inspiration. Divinitus: by divine communication, by divine influence. Divinus: divine, sacred. Divitiae divitie: riches, wealth. Divortium: division.

Divulgamen: fame. Divulgatio: publishing, spreading abroad. Do: to give, offer, convey, offer, donate, furnish. Do pacem: to grant peace. Doceo docui doctum: to instruct, teach, tutor.

Doctiloquus: speaking learnedly. Doctor: teacher. Doctrina: doctrine, teaching, instruction, learning. Doctus: taught, instructed, learned, tutored. Dolens: painfully. Doleo: to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve.

Dolor: pain, grief. Misery, pain, suffering. Dolosa: deceitful. Dolose: slyly, deceitfuly. Dolositas: deceit. Dolosus: crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful.

Jetbrains Webstorm Crack Download. Dolus: fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap. Dolus: [instrument of] deceit, trap, ambush. Domesticus: domestic, civil.

Domigena: resident of a household, pl: household retinue. Domina domna: lady, mistress. Dominatio: dominium: lordship. Dominion, domination. Dominatus: rule, mastery, tyranny, domination. Dominatus: mastery. Dominica: demesne.

Dominor: to be mastered. Dominor: [+ gen] to be lord and master of, dominate.

Dominus: lord, master. Dominus domno: master, lord. Domito: to tame, subdue, break in. Domus: house, home, residence.

Domus: household, house, abode. Donarium: votive offering. Donativum: donation, offering. Donatus: given. Donec: up to the time when, until, as long as, while. Dono: to give. Donum: gift, present, donation.

Donum: gift, votive offering. Dormio: to sleep, slumber, siesta, nap. Dormito: to be dreaming. Dubito: to doubt, hesitate. Dubium: doubt, hesitation, reservation. Ducamen: duchy, ducal dignity. Duco: to lead on the march, marry a wife, command.

Duco: to calculate, count, reckon, esteem, considered. Duco: to draw, shape, construct/ (time) spend, delay.

Duco: to charm, influence, mislead, draw in. Duco: to lead, draw, esteem, consider. Ductor: general, leader, commander, guide.

Dudum: for a long while, a long while ago, some time ago. Dulcedo: sweetness, pleasantness, charm. Dulcidine: sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly. Dulcis: sweet, pleasant, agreeable. Dulcis: delightful. Dum: while, as long as, until.

Dummodo: (conj. + subj.) provided. Dumtaxat: at least, not less than / at most, not more than. Duplicitas: multiplication by two, ambiguity, duplicity.

Duro: to harden, last, endure. Durus: hard, harsh, tough, strong,enduring, / rough, rude, uncouth. Dux ducis: leader, guide, commander, general, duke. Eatenus: so far, thus far, up to then. Ebullio: to boil up, bubble up, to appear, produce in abundance. Ecclesia: church. Econtra: the same as contra: against, opposite, etc.

Ecquando: at any time? Edico: to announce, declare. Edictum: ordinance. Editio: the publishing of a book, an announcement. Editio: statement. Edo: put forth, give out. Edo edi essum: to eat, consume, devour, waste.

Edoceo: to inform fully, instruct thoroughly. Edoceo: to instruct thoroughly. Edoctus: well versed, informed. Educator: tutor. Educo: to draw out, lead out, march out/bring up, rear/ issue. Educo: to foster, draw out. Edulis: edible.

Eduro: to last endure, persist. Edurus: hard. Effector: effectrix: producer, someone who causes something. Effectus: doing, execution, performance, effect, result. Effectus: rendered. Effeminatus: womanish. Effercio: to cram, stuff, fill.

Effero: extuli: elatum: to carry out, bury, lift up, exalt. Effero: to bring forth. Effertus: stuffed, jammed, crammed. Efferus: savage, wild, untamed, undomesticated. Efferus: fierce. Effervo: to boil up, swarm out (like bees).

Efficaciter: effectively, efficiently. Efficax: effective, efficient. Efficax: efficacious.

Efficens: efficient, effective. Efficenter: efficiently, effectively, powerfully. Efficio: to do, produce, effect, make/ bring about, cause /prove.

Efficio: to bring to pass. Effigies: effigia: effigy, idol, likeness /ghost, appartition /ideal.

Effingo: to form, fashion, make /duplicate, copy. Efflagito: to plead urgently. Effligo: efflixi: efflectum: to wipe out, obliterate, destroy.

Efflo: to breathe out, blow out. Effloresco: to blossom, bloom, break out. Effluo: to vanish /be forgotten /pour out, leak, seep /become known.

Effluvium: an outlet /seepage. Effodio: to dig out, excavate /to gut. Effor: to speak, express /state /declare.

Effor: to speak out. Effreno: to let go without reins. Effrenus: wild, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled. Effringo: effregi: effractum: to break, break open.

Effugio: effugi: effugiturus: flee from, escape, elude, run away. Effundo: to pour out, pour forth, shed, utter. Effundo: to pour out. Effusio: a pouring form, effusion. Effusio: exhilaration, upwelling of emotion. Effutio: to gab, chatter. Egelidus: thawed, lukewarm, tepid.

Egens: to needy. Egenus: in want of, in need of, destitute. Egeo: to need, lack, want, be without. Egestas: to extreme poverty. Ego: I, self. Egredior: egressus: to go out, leave, depart, exit.

Egredior: to come out. Egregius: illustrious, eminent, distinguished. Egressio: withdrawal, depart, withdraw. Eicio: eiectum: to throw out, eject, drive out. Ejulo: to wail. Elabor: to slip away, escape. Elatio: high wave, self-exaltation.

Elatus: puff-up, proud of oneself, arrogant. Elatus: puffed up. Electrum: amber.

Electus: chosen, select. Elegans: elegant, fine. Elementum: first principle, element, basic constituent.

Elemosina: alms. Elemosinarius: almoner, person in charge of providing charity. Elido: to dash to pieces. Eligo: to pick out, select, choose. Eligo: to elect. Eloquens: eloquent, persuasive, fluent.

Eloquentia: eloquence, readiness of speech, fluency, persuasiveness. Eloquor: to speak out, express oneself, declare, speak eloquently.

Elucido: to light. Elucubro: to compose with great labor. Eluo: to wash out, rinse cleanse /squander, waste. Eluvies: a flowing over, flood, innundation. Eluvio: inundation. Emanio: to flow out, spread /arise, emanate, originate.

Emendator: corrector, editor. Emendo: to amend, correct.

Emendo: to free from faults, emend, edit. Emercor: to buy up. Emereor: to deserve. Emergo: emersi: emersum: to arise, come up, rise up, occur. Emerio: to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well. Emico: to shine. Emineo: to stand out, project, be remarkable, conspicuous.

Emineo: to be prominent, conspicuous. Eminor: to threaten, menace. Eminus: at a distance, from a distance. Emiolios: one and a half. Emiror: to wonder at exceedingly.

Emitto: to send out. Emitto suspiria: to to sigh.

Emo emi emptum: to buy, purchase. Emoveo: to move away, remove, take away. Emptio: a buying, a purchase. Emundo: to cleanse. Enim: in fact, truly, indeed. Enim: for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted).

Enimvero: indeed. Eniteo: to gleam. Enitor: to labour to bring forth, bear children. Ensis: sword.

Enucleate: plainly. Enucleo: to make clear. Enumero: to count, count up, enumerate. Enutrio: to bring up. Eo: to advance, march on, go, leave. Eo ire itum: to go, advance, proceed, travel, move along, progress. Ephebus: youth.

Episcopalis: episcopal. Episcopus: bishop.

Epistola: letter, epistle, missive, message. Epistula: letter, epistle, missive, message. Epitaphium: funeral oration. Epithalamium: wedding song. Epitoma: abridgement, summary. Epitome: abridgement, summary.

Epops: epopis: the hoopoe (a bird). Epos: epic poem. Epotus: drunk up, drained / swallowed up. Eptheca: an addition. Epulae: a banquet, feast / food / dishes, courses of a meal. Epulo: sumptuous food, banquet, feast. Epulor: to feast, banquet, dine.

Epulor: to feast, feast on. Epulor: to dine. Epulum: a banquet, feast.

Equa: a mare. Eques: equitis: horseman, cavalry man rider (classical).

Eques: horseman. Equester: (-stris, stre) equestrian, relating to cavalry. Equidem: (adv) indeed, truly, for my part. Equinus: equine, relating to horses. Equipero: [+ dat.] to be the equal of. Equitatus: cavalry, horsemen (classical). Equito: (-are) to ride on horseback.

Equito: to ride, ride through. Equus: horse, steed, mount. Era: mistress, lady.

Eradico: to root out, destroy, obliterate, get rid of. Erado: erasi: erasum: (-ere) to scratch out, erase / destroy. Erectus: upright, standing / resolute. Erectus: proud / alert / anxious /cheerful. Erepo: to creep out, creep over, creep up. Ereptio: seizure, taking by force, confiscation.

Ereptio: seizure. Ereptor: thief, robber. Erga: (+ acc.) toward, about. Ergastulum: a workhouse for slaves. +) on account of, because of. Ergo: (adv.) accordingly, then, therefore.

Ericius: (mil.) hedgehog, chevaux de frise. Erigo: to erect, raise, set up / arouse, encourage, incite. Erigo: to arouse, raise up.

Erilis: relating to a master or mistress. Eripio: eripui: ereptum: to snatch away, take away / rescue, free.

Eripio: to snatch. Erogatio: payment, expenditure. Erogo: to ask for / to pay out, expend, disburse. Erogo: to disburse. Errabundus: wandering. Erratio: a wandering, straying. Erratum: fault, error, mistake.

Erratus: wandering, straying. Erro: to wander, stray, rove / be mistaken, err, go astray. Erro: to go astray, wander, err.

Error: wandering, error, mistake, deception. Error: erroris: error, mistake, going astray. Error: uncertainty / deception.

Erubesco: (+ inf.) to blush to, (+acc.) blush for, respect. Erubescundus: something to be ashamed of, worth blushing over. Eruca: a colewort (plant). Eructo: (-are) to vomit, throw up /to cast out, throw out. Eructo: eject / belch. Erudio: to polish, smooth / instruct, teach, educate. Erudio: to polish, instruct.

Eruditio: instruction, teaching / knowledge, learning. Erumpo: to break out, burst forth / (milit.) attack. Erumpo: to break open, vent, discharge, erupt. Eruo: to dig up, pull out / raze, demolish.

Eruo: to pluck, rescue. Eruptio: an eruption, bursting forth / sally, attack, assault. Erus: master, owner, lord. Ervum: a bitter weed, vetch. Esca: food / bait.

Escendo: -scensi, scensum: to ascend, go up, climb, to go inland. Escensio: a movement inland / milit. Marching inland. Esculentus: succulent, delicious, ripe. Esito: (-are) to continue eating.

Esse: nature of being. Esse suae potestatis: to be one's own master. Essedarius: one who fight from a chariot. Esurio: to be hungry, to hunger / long for, desire, yearn. Esuritio: hunger. Etenim: for indeed. Ethologus: a mimic.

Etiam: as yet, still / even, also, besides. Etiam: (asking a question): actually?

Etiam: (answering a question) yes, certainly. Etiam: (+ comparative) still [etiam maior = still greater. Etiam: and furthermore. Etiam atque etiam: again and again.

Etiamnun: etiamnunc: yet, still, until now. Etiamsi: even if, although. Etiamtum: etiamtunc: even then / until then. Etsi: (acsi) even if, although, nothwithstanding.

Eu: euge: eugepae: good! Eunuchus: eunuch. Evacuo: empty. Evado: to go out, set out / get off / escape / result. Evado: to escape. Evagor: to wander out, stray off.

Evalesco: to grow strong / become fashionable / prevail / be able. Evaneo: to vanish. Evanesco: (evanui) to vanish, disappear / pass away. Evangelium: the gospel. Evanidus: vanishing, disappearing / passing away.

Evasto: (-are) to lay waste, devastate. Eveho: (-vexi, vectum) to carry out (+ relexive) sail away, ride away. Evello: to tear out, pluck out / turn out, result.

Evello: (-ere, velli, vulsum) to happen, occur, come about, befall. Evenio: to come to pass, happen, befall.

Eventus: eventum: consequence, issue, result, occurrence, experience. Eventus: outcome, success, fate, event, occurrence. Everbero: to strike violently, to hit hard. Everriculum: a fishing net, seine / a clean sweep. Everro: (-verri, -versus) to sweep out, plunder, pillage. Eversio: an overturning, destruction, ruin. Eversor: a destroyer.

Everto: to destroy, ruin, demolish, raise, overthrow. Everto: to turn out, throw out, eject / dislodge, overturn. Evestigatus: found out, discovered. Tracked down.

Evidens: clear, distinct, plain, visible, evident. Evidenter: clearly, distinctly, plainly.

Evigilo: to awaken /be alert, be watchful /[trans.] work hard. Evincio: [vinxi, victum] to tie up, bind. Evinco: to conquer, subjugate, enthrall, defeat. Eviscero: to disembowel.

Evito: to shuun, avoid; also, to kill. Evoco: to draw out, draw on, produce, recall to the colors. Evolo: to flee, escape, fly away, rush out. Evolutio: unrolling and reading of a scroll, reading of a book. Evolvo: to untangle, extricate, detach, disclose, explain. Evomo: to vomit forth.

Evulgo: to publish. Ex: (= e ) (prep. + abl.) out of, from within, from / on account of.

Exacuo: to sharpen. Exaequo exequo: to be like, equal/ make level or even, relate. Exaestuo: to give forth, foam. Exaggeratio: accumulation.

Exaggeratus: accumulated, abundantly supplied. Exaggero: to enlarge, accumulate. Exagito: to stir up.

Exalto: to raise high. Exanimus: lifeless. Exardesco: to to be inflamed.

Exaresco: to become dry, arid. Exarmo: to disarm. Exaro: to plow up, dig up /write on a wax tablet.

Exaro: to write down, till. Exaspero: to irritate. Exaudio: to listen to, hear plainly, hear favorably.

Exaudio: to hearken to, grant. Excedo: (trans.) to exceed, leave, pass beyond. Excellens: superior. Excellentia: excellence, merit, worth. Excello: to elevate, surpass. Excelsa: elevations. Excessum: departure, death, digression.

Excipio: (excepi exceptum ) to take out, except /take, capture. Excipo: to receive, intercept.

Excito: call forth, bring about, wake, raise up. Excito: to awaken, occasion, stir. Exclamo: to shout, cry aloud, exclaim, call someone by name. Excludo: to shut out, exclude.

Excolo: to honor (a deity), polish, adorn, refine, serve. Excolo: to tend, cultivate. Excorio: to shave /scalp, flay /oppress /peel. Excorio: to skin. Excrucio: to torment, torture, cause great pain.

Excusatio: excuse. Excuso: to exempt from blame, excuse, make excuses, plead.

Executio: to seize, recover. Executor: adminstrator, executive officer. Exemplar: model, pattern, original, prototype, book to copy.

Exemplum: pattern, model, example. Exempoator: m, model, example. Exeo: to withdraw, go forth. Exerceo: to train, cultivate, keep at work, exercise, practice. Exerceo: to administer. Exercitatio: adminstration, [+ in] prosecute. Exercitatio: work at, busy oneself in.

Exercito: to practise diligently. Exercitus: army. Exertus: tested, tried, approved, experienced.

Exesto: extra esto. Exhaurio: to exhaust, make out. Exhaustus: drained. Exheredo: to disinherit. Exheres: disinherited. Exhibeo: to sustain, deliver. Exhibeo exibeo: to produce, show, display, offer, allow, cause.

Exhibitio: producing. Exhilaro: to make cheerful. Exhilaro: to delight. Exhorresco: to be horrified, to shake, shudder /dread, tremble. Exhorto: to encourage. Exigo: drive out, force out, exact, demand, sell. Exigo: complete, finish, determine, decide, settle.

Exigo: to exact. Exilis: thin, slender, meager. Eximietate: uncommonness, excellence. Eximius: extraordinary, excellent, fine, superb.

Eximius: uncommon, extraordinary, exceptional. Eximo: to free, release, take out, remove, waste.

Exinde: thence, next/ thereupon, after that, then/accordingly. Exinde: thence, furthermore. Existo: to become. Exitiabilis exitialis exitosus: fatal deadly, destructive, lethal.

Exitialiter: perniciously. Exitium: destruction, ruin.

Exitium: ruin. Exitus: going out, going forth, exit, end, finish. Exitus: withdrawing, outlet. Exorbatus: stripped. Exordior: to begin.

Exordium: the beginning (especially of a speech). Exordium: commencement. Exorior: to rise, spring up, issue, appear, come forward. Exorior: to appear, come forth. Exorno: to furnish, provide, supply. Exorno: to equip, adorn. Exoro: to prevail upon a person, entreat successfully.

Exoro: prevail upon, beg. Exorsus: begun. Exortus: appearance. Exosus: loathing, fiercely hating, despising.

Exosus: hated exceedingly. Expalpo: to lure out, coax out. Expando: to spread out. Expedio: to release, set free, clear /explain, clarify, set straight. Expedio: to free from a snare, disentangle /ready, settled, arranged.

Expedite: freely, easily. Expedite: promptly. Expeditio: enterprise. Expeditione: military operation, military force, expedition. Expeditus: unimpeded, unchecked /(mil.) light-armed. Expello: to eject.

Expello (expuli expulsum ): to drive out, expel, force out, banish. Expendo: to consider. Expergefacio: to awaken. Expergescor: to bestir. Experior: to test, put to the test, ascertain. Experior (experiri, expertus ): to try, test, experience, prove. Expers: wanting, destitute of, not sharing in.

Expers: destitute of. Expertus: experienced, ascertained, knowing, proven. Expetens: desirous, eager.

Expeto: to fall upon. Expeto: to demand, require / desire, strive after, make for. Expeto: to seek after, make for. Expilatio: plundering, taking booty. Expio: to purify. Expiscor: to fish out, find out, discover. Explano: to make clear.

Expleo: to make losses good/ fulfil, discharge (duties). Expleo: to fulfill, finish.

Expleo explevi expletum: to fill, fill up, complete, finish. Expletio: satifying. Expletio: to bring to completion, finish, end. Expletus: (part.) perfect, complete. Explicatus: explanation, exposition. Explico: to unfold, unroll, disentangle / explain, expound. Explico: to uncoil, undo.

Explorator: scout. Expono: to expound, display. Expono (exposui expositum ): to set forth, explain, expose. Exporrigo: to spread out. Exposco: to entreat. Expositus: open, accessible, exposed. Expostulo: to demand earnestly / to make a claim.

Exprimo: to represent. Expugno: to capture, overcome, subdue, take by storm, gain. Expugno: to take by assault. Expurgo: to purge. Exquisitus: sought after, exquisite,excellent, fine, delicate.

Exsecrabile: detestable. Exsecror: to detest, curse. Exsequiae: relics.

Exsequor: to maintain, keep up, carry out, fulfill, accomplish. Exsequor: to execute, avenge, punish /relate, describe, explain. Exsequor: to describe, carry out. Exsequor exequor: to follow to the grave, follow to the end.

Exsertus exertus: project, thrust forward. Exsilio: to spring forth, bound forth. Exsilium: exile, banishment. Exsisto: to emerge, appear, exist, be. Exsisto: to emerge, be/ happen, take place. Exsisto existo: to stand forth, arise, appear.

Exsors: deprived of. Exspectata: welcome. Exspecto: to look for, expect, await, wait for. Exspecto: to await. Exstasis: amazement.

Exstinguo, exstingui, exstinctum: to extinguish, put out. Exsto: to stand out, be extant, appear, project, show itself. Exsul: exile. Exsulo: to live in exile. Exsulto: to revel, rejoice exceedingly, exult. Exsupero: to excell. Extemplo: to at once.

Extendo: to stretch out. Exter, externus: foreign.

Exterminata: banished. Extermino: exussum, burn down, burn, set on fire. Externus: outer, foreign, outside, external. Exterritus: terrified. Extimus: outermost.

Extollo: to praise exaggerate /decorate, adorn. Extollo: to lift up, raise up, erect /elevate, exalt.

Extollo: to exalt. Extorqueo: to twist, wrench, dislocate /extort by force. Extra: (prep. + acc.) beyond, outside. Extraho: prolong, protract/ bring forward.

Extraho: to draw forth. Extraho extraxi extractum: drag out, extract, remove/. Extraneus: outside, exraneous/ foreign, strange. Extraneus: a foreigner, stranger.

Extrarius: outward, external/ strange, unrelated, foreign. Extremitas: end, farthest part. Extremitas: end. Extremus: outermost, last, extreme.

Extrico: disentangle, free, extricate, clear up, unravel. Extrinsecus: outwardly, externally, from the outside. Extrudo: to drive out. Extundo: drive away, repel violently, extort.

Extundo: to form by beating with a hammer, invent, devise. Exturbo: to drive away, thrust out. Exuberans: superfluous.

Exubero: to grow thickly, abound. Exubero: to abound in.

Exulcero: to aggravate, exacerbate, irritate, make worse, embitter. Exulto: to exult, be joyful. Exululo: to howl loudly. Exundo: to overflow, abound. Exuo: to lay aside, put away, store/strip, deprive. Exuo: to divest, strip off.

Exuro, exussum: burn down, burn, set on fire. Exustio: burning up, conflagration. Exuviae: (anything taken off) dress, clothing. Exuviae: spoils, booty/ hides pelt.

Faba: broad bean. Faber: skilled, ingenious. Faber: craftsman, artisan. Fabre: skillfully, ingeniously.

Fabrica: manufacture /craft, trade, art /trick, device. Fabrico: to construct.

Fabrilis: workmanlike. Fabula: fable, story, tale, play. Fabula: fable. Facesso: to work zealously, do, accomplish. Facies: face, visage, countenance.

Facies: aspect, appearance, look, condition. Facile: easily, without difficulty. Facile: easily.

Facilis: easy, agreeable, affable, pleasant. Facillimus: easiest, most agreeable, pleasantest. Facina -oris: bad deed, crime, villainy/ deed, action. Facinarose: viciously, scandalously. Facinus: villainy.

Facio: to give permission/ to experience, suffer (troubles). Facio: to sacrifice, suit, help, be of service. Facio: (trans.) to make, do, act, perform, cause, bring about. Facio + inf.: to bring to pass, to order, to have done.

Facio servitium: to be in one's service. Facis: a bundle, packet. Facticius: artificial, man-made.

Factum: deed, accomplishment, work, act, achievement. Factum: action. Facultas: power, means, opportunity, capacity, ability, stock. Facultas: feasibility, opportunity, resources., abundance.

Facultas: ability, store, wealth. Facunda: eloquent. Facunde: eloquently, fluently. Facundia: fertile, productive, profitable. Facunditas: fertility, qickness or readiness of speech. Facundus: eloquent, fluent, ready of speech. Faeneror: to hunt, loan, join.

Faenum: fenum: hay. Faex: impurities. Fallo: to deceive, dupe. Falsidicus: lying. Falsus: false, deceptive. Falx: scythe.

Fama: talk, report, rumor, gossip, tradition. Fama: report, common talk, fame. Famen: word, utterance, articulation. Fames: famine, hunger. Familia: family, household.

Familiaris: belonging to a household / friendly, intimate. Familiaritas: confidential friendship, intimacy. Famosus: much spoken of, renowned /notorious, infamous /libellous.

Famulatus: servitude, slavery, service /an extablishment of slaves. Famulatus: obeisance, attention, obedience, allegiance, vassalage.

Famulo: to attend. Famulor: to be a servant, to serve, attend, obey.

Famulus: serving, servile /a servant, slave. Fanaticus: enthusiastic, inspired, frenzied.

Fanum: a temple or church with the land around it, a holy place. Far farris: spelt, grain, meal. Farci, farci, fartum: to fill up, stuff. Farcio: to stuff. Farina: meal or flour.

Farrago: mixed fodder for cattle, mash /mishmash, medley, mixture. Farratus: provided with grain. Fartim: stuffing, filling. Fartor: one who fattens fowls. Fas: divine law or command/ fate, destiny/ lawful, allowed. Fas est:: it is right, it is fitting, it is lawful.

Fascia: bandage, band, girdle, girth. Fascino: to bewitch, envy. Fascis: bundle, burden. Fastidio: to dislike, have an aversion to, loathe.

Fastidiosus: squeamish, dainty, fastidious. Fastidium: aversion, loathing. Fastidium: disgust, dislike, sqeamishness. Fastidium: scorn, disdain, haughtiness. Fastigate: slantingly. Fastigatus: pointed down, sloping down. Fastosus: pride, haughtiness.

Fastus: haughtiness. Fatalis: deadly, fated. Fateor: to confess, admit, allow, reveal, make known. Fatigatus: wearied. Fatigo: worry, fatigue, vex, harass, tease.

Fatigo: to harass, torment. Fatua: foolish. Fatum: fate, destiny, doom, lot, weird. Fatuo: to render vain, cause to fail.

Fautor: favorer, promoter, patron, partisan, supporter. Fautor: promoter. Faveo: (+ dat.) be favorable to, aid, support, help. Faveo: (+ inf.) To be inclined to do.

Faveo: to favor, befriend, delight in approval. Favillesco: to reduce to ashes.

Feculentia: dregs, lees, impurities, filth. Fecunda: plentifully furnished, fertile. Fecundo: fertilize, make fruitful. Fefello: to be failed by, disappointed by something.

Felicitas: happiness. Feliciter: happily. Felix: happy, fortunate. Felix felicis: lucky, fortunate, happy.

Femina: woman. Fenestra: window. Fera: wild animal. Fere: almost, near;y, not quite, generally.

Fere: well-nigh. Feretrum: bier, litter. Feretrum: bier. Ferinus: brutal.

Feritas: wildness, savageness. Feriter: fiercely. Ferito: to fight, strike, deal blows, lash out.

Ferme, fere: almost, about. Fero tuli latum: to carry, bring, tell, relate, and much else. Ferocia: high spirit, courage /arrogance, ferocity. Ferocitas: courage, untamed spirit /arogance.

Ferocitas: savageness. Ferociter: with spirit, courageously /arrogantly, forciously.

Ferox: spirited, courageous, warlike /wild, arrogant, unbridled. Ferox: headstrong. Ferramenta: tools made of iron, or shod with iron.

Ferramentum: iron implement. Ferrarius: of iron /a blacksmith /iron mines. Ferrati: cuirassiers. Ferratilis: in chains (slaves and prisoners). Ferratus: a soldier in armor /in chains /furnished with iron.

Ferratus: iron-clad. Ferreus: made of iron /hard, unfeeliing, cruel, unbending. Ferrugineus: rust colored, dusky.

Ferrugo: the color of rust. Ferrum: iron, sword. Ferrum: sword, arms, iron, horseshoe. Fertilis: fruitful, fertile, productive. Fertilitas: fertility, fruitfulness. Fertilitas: abundance. Ferula: the herb fennel /a rad to beat children with.

Ferus: fierce, wild, savage, untamed. Ferus: fierce. Fervefacio: to heat, boil, melt. Fervens: glowing, hot, heated /(character) heated, fiery.

Ferventer: hotly, warmly. Ferveo: to be boiling hot, boil, seethe, glow. Ferveo: be excited by passion, rage. Ferveo: to boil, foam, glow. Fervesco: to become hot, begin to glow or boil. Fervidus: boiling, seething, foaming /fiery, passionate, excited. Fervidus: fiery.

Fessus: wearied. Festinanter: hastily. Festinatio: speed, haste. Festino: to hasten, hurry, speed.

Festino: to make haste. Festinus: hastening, hasty. Festivus: festive. Feteo: to have a bad odor, stink. Fictus: feigned.

Ficus: fig tree. Fidelis: untranslated.

Fidelis: faithful, loyal, true. Fidelitas: fidelity, loyalty, homage. Fidens: confident, without fear, courageous. Fides: lyre, string. Fides: promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement. Fides: promise, trust, faith, belief, truth. Fides: trustworthiness, protection.

Fides: trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith. Fiducia: confidence, trust, assurance.

Fiducia: trustworthiness, confidence, reliance. Fiducialiter: confidently. Fidus: trusty. Fiendo: f.p.p, same as faciendo, the making, it will be made.

Filia: daughter. Filiolus: godson. Fimus: dung, dirt, filth, manure. Fines: territory, limits, borders. Fines finium: boundaries, limits, /territory.

Fingo: finxi: fictum: to touch, conceive, contrive. Finio: to cease.

Finis: end, limit, boundary, purpose. Finitimus: adjoining. Finitimus finitumus: neighboring, adjacent, related to, similar. Fio, fieri, factus: be made, be done, become.

Firmamentum: strengthening, prop, the main point, support. Firmiter: enduringly. Firmitudo: durability.

Firmo: to make lasting, secure, affirm. Firmo: to assert, maintain/ strengthen, make firm / encourage.

Firmus: firm, strong, reliable, solid. Firmus: steadfast, constant, durable. Flagello: whip, scourge. Flagitiosa: infamous.

Flagitium: disgraceful act. Flagro: to blaze. Flamen: breeze, holy spirit, wind. Flamma: flame, fire.

Flandrensis: Fleming, of or from Flanders. Flatus: blowing, blast, breathing, arrogance, haughtiness. Flax, falcis: sickle, bill-hook, pruning hook. Flebilis: lamentable, doleful. Flecto: to overcome, bend. Fleo: to weep.

Fleo: to weep, cry, shed tears, sob. Flere: to cry, shed tears. Fletus: weeping, tears. Flexilis: pliant. Floccipendo: account of slight value, take lightly.

Floreo: to [+ abl.] be distinguished for. Floresco: to begin to blossom. Flos: crown, move to and fro, wander. Fluctivagus: 'wave-driven'. Fluctus: flood, billow. Fluctus: billow, wave. Fluidus: moist.

Flumen: river. Fluo: to flow, pour, stream.

Fodio: to prick, sting, jab. Foede: fouly, in a filty manner.

Foedero: to ally, make a treaty, make a pact, federate. Foedis-e: foul, fithly. Foedo: to pollute. Foedus: alliance, agreement. Foedus: foederis: compact, covenant, agreement / law. Foeteo: to smell bad. Foetidus: smelly, stinking.

Foetor: a bad smell, a stink. Foetus: young, progeny.

Foliatus: leafy. Folium: leaf.

Folliculus: small bag, small purse, little sack. Follis: a leather bag, purse, bellows, puffed-out cheeks.

Fomentum: poultice / alleviation. Fomentum: nourishment. Fomes: stimulus, incentive, motive. Fomes: fomitis: tinder. Fomeus: smoky, smoke-filled. Fons: fontis: fountain, spring / fresh water / source, origin.

Fonticulus: small spring, little fountain. For: say, sing in verse, speak.

For: fari: fatus: (deponent) say, speak, talk about. Forabilis: penetrable. Foramen: foraminis: hole, opening, aperture. Foras: outside, without, out of doors / + dare = to publish. Forca: pitfall, snare, trap. Forceps: pincers, tongs. Forda: a cow with calf.

Fore, forem: future infinitive of sum. Forensis: public.

Forensis: relating to the forum / relating to legal business. Forensis, e: legal. Forfex: scissors, shears. Foris: a door, opening, entrance. Foris: out of doors, outside, abroad / from abroad, from outside. Forix: fornicis: arch, vault / arcade / an arched sallyport. Forma: appearance, model.

Forma: forma, shape, beauty. Formalis: having a set or standard form, / formal. Formamentum: conformation. Formator: a former, fashioner, maker. Formatura: forming, fashioning, shaping. Formica: ant.

Formidilose: dreadfully, teribly. Formidilosus: causing dread, fear, terror. Formido: formidonis: dread, terror / dreadfulness / scarecrow. Formido: fear, dread. Formido: to be terrified, frightened, afraid.

Formidolosus: fearful. Formo: to fashion. Formo: to shape, form, fashion. Formose: beautifully. Formositas: beauty. Formosus: beautiful, well-shaped. Formosus: finely formed.

Formula: physical beauty / formula / rule, principle. Fornacalis: relating to an oven.

Fornacula: a small oven. Fornax: fornacis: oven, furnace, kiln.

Fornicatus: arched, vaulted. Foro: to bore, pierce, make a hole, penetrate. Fors fortis: chance, luck, fortune. Fors-itis: chance, luck. Forsit forsan forsitan: perhaps, probably.

Fortasse: perhaps. Forte: perchance.

Forte: by chance, by luck, accidentally. Fortis: strong, brave, powerful, robust, steadfast, courageous. Fortis: valiant.

Fortiter: strongly, bravely. Fortiter: valiantly.

Fortitudo: physical strength, courage, moral bravery. Fortitudo: courage. Fortuito: (used as adverb) accidentally, by chance.

Fortuitus: accidental, by chance, fortuitous. Fortuitus: accidentally, by luck, casual.

Fortuna: condition. Fortuna: fortune, luck, fate, chance. Fortunate: fortunately, happily. Fortunatus: fortunate, lucky, happy.

Fortunatus: fortunate, lucky /wealthy, rich. Fortuno: to make happy, to bless, to prosper.

Foruli: book-case. Forum: market place, town square. Forus: gangway of a ship. Fossa: ditch, trench, channel, moat. Fossio: fossionis: an excavation. Fossor: a digger, ditcher, sapper / fool, boor, clown.

Fossura: digging, delving, sapping, ditching. Fovea: a pit, trap for game, pitfall. Foveo: to cherish, encourage, enfold. Foveo: fovi: fotum: to foster, support, encourage. Foveo: fovi fotum: to cherish / to warm, keep warm, caress. Fraga: fragorum: strawberries. Fragilis: fragile, easily broken / fleeting, transitory.

Fragilis: weak, feeble. Fragilitas: frailty.

Fragilitas: frailness, weakness, fragility, frailty. Fragmen: fragminis: a breaking / fragments, remains, ruins.

Fragor: crashing. Fragor: a crash, crack. Fragosus: roaring, crashing, rough /broken. Fragro: to smell, be odiferous, redolent.

Franci: Franks. Francigeni: Frankish people. Francisca: Frankish. Frango: to break down. Frango: fracta: to break in pieces, shatter. Frater: brother. Fraudatio: fraud, deceit, trickery.

Fraudulentus: deceitful. Fraus: fraud. Frendo: to gnash one's teeth, bruise, crush, grind. Frendo: gnash the teeth, crush, bruise, grind. Freno: curb, restrain, hold back, restrain. Frenum: bridle. Frenum: reins, bridle, bit /restraint.

Frequentatio: frequency, crowding. Frequenter: frequently. Frequentia: crowd. Frequentia: a large concourse, population, numerous assembly. Frequento: to crowd, visit.

Frequento: to crowd, collect in large number, visit. Fretus: + abl. Relying upon, depending on, banking on. Frigidus: feeble.

Frigus: cold, coolness, cold of winter /dullness, indolence. Frivolus: trifling. Frons: forehead, brow, front.

Fructuarius: fruitful, fertile. Fructus fructus: fruit, profit, enjoyment, produce. Frugalitas: frugality, economy, pinching pennies. Frumentum: grain.

Fruor: to have the benefit of, to enjoy. Fruor: to enjoy, delight in, use.

Frusto: to break to pieces. Frustra: in vain, mistakenly, wantonly, without reason.

Frustra esse: to be deceived, to be mistaken. Frustro: to defraud, deprive. Frustro: frustror: to deceive, dupe, trick, disappoint. Frutex: shrub, bush.

Frux: fruits of the earth, success. Frux, frugi: fruits of the earth. Fuga: flight, escape. Fugio: to flee, escape, runa aaway /avoid, shun. Fugitivus: fugitive: deserter, runaway slave. Fugo: to put to flight, chase away, drive into exile, pursue. Fugo: to put to flight, chase.

Fulcio: to support, strengthen, uphold/ to besiege, oppress. Fulcio: to strengthen. Fulgens: flashing, illustrious.

Fulgeo (fulsi ): to flash, shine, beam. Fulgidus: glittering. Fulgur: to flash. Fultus: supporter. Fumidus: smoky, smoke-filled. Fumo: to smoke, steam, reek.

Fundatio-onis: f, foundation. Fundator: m, founder. Funditus: totally. Funditus: utterly. Fundo: (milit.) to rout, scatter, defeat, put to flight. Fundo: to cast to the ground, pour forth. Fundo: to found, establish.

Fundo: to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt, cast. Fundus: estate.

Funestus: causing calamity, deadly. Fungor: to [+ abl.] discharge, administer.

Fungor, fungi, functus: to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute. Funiculus: a thin rope, cord, string. Funis: rope, cord, line. Funis -is: rope, cord, line.

Furax: inclined to steal. Furca: a fork, pitchfork /narrow pass. Furcifer: rascal. Furcillo: to act as a support. Furiae: madness. Furibundus: inspired, raging, furious. Furiosus: mad.

Furo: to rage. Furor: madness, rage, frenzy. Furtificus: thievish. Furtim: by stealth.

Furtim: by stealth, stealthily. Furtum: theft, robbery/ furta: stolen property /trick, deceit. Fusus: (from fundo) spread out, extended, wide, copious. Futurus: -a, -um, absurd.

Galactinus: the Milky Way. Galbinus: a greenish-yellow color. Galea: helmet.

Galea: [leather] helmet. Gallina: hen. Gandavum: Ghent. Ganea ganeum: brothel. Garrio: to prate, chatter. Garrio: to chatter, babble. Garrulitas: prating, chattering, talkativeness.

Garrulus: chattering, talkative, garrulous. Garrulus: noising, talkative. Garum: a fermented fish sauce. Gaudeo: (gavisus) to rejoice, take delight. Gaudeo: to rejoice, be joyful, take pleasure in. Gaudeo: (+ abl. Of specification) to take delight in.

Gaudium: joy, delight, happiness. Gaudium: * joy.

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