Training Tools For Customer Service

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Five Free Customer Service Training Games Find these training activities by searching for: customer service training games, customer service activities, workshop activities, materials, games The following are five free customer service training games that we have used with clients during our customer service courses for more than a decade. We frequently receive requests for training ideas from organizations wishing to develop their own customer service programs. In the interest of improving behavior, we are sharing these activities for use by others. You are welcome to incorporate them into your customer service courses.

You may also link to them. However, we request that you not publish them in an online guide, for-profit printed guide, or otherwise without our permission.

Each of the activities listed requires a basic knowledge of customer service. While we are happy to answer questions about the mechanics of the games and activities, we kindly request that you do your own research on questions related to content. For easier reading away from the computer, is an easy-to-read PDF document containing the games listed here. For more information about onsite customer service workshops and seminars for your group, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or 301-934-3250. Standards, Please! Purpose: To illustrate the importance of consistency and following service standards.

Goal: To instill an appreciation for having rules and an understanding of why they are important to follow. Materials Needed: None Directions: Line everyone up on one side of the room. Explain that the goal is to reach the other side of the room. To do so, participants must meet certain criteria that you call out.

For example, 'Take three steps forward if you are wearing red.' Give about three instructions such as that one. Then, on the fourth round, select some of the people from the back and move them to the front. Select some from the front and move them back several steps.

Training Tools For Customer ServiceTraining Tools For Customer Service

Ready to give your field service and sales staff the training they need to exceed your customers expectations? Signature Worldwide's Field Service training is everything your service employees need to take their skills to the legendary level. Explore customer service videos that improve employee behavior. Our customer service training videos help organizations raise customer satisfaction, inspire change.

Continue to play the game in this way until someone reaches the other side. Debrief: Ask participants if they took the game seriously? Most will probably tell you no, and that they did not because the rules were unfair and unpredictable. Ask participants if they enjoyed the game.

Most again will probably tell you no. From there, transition into a discussion about service standards. Working in small teams, have the group create a list of the benefits of having service standards in place.

You should expect to see answers such as 'standards help employees and customers know what to expect, and they give something by which behavior can be measured.' Or, 'Standards help organizations to be fair and consistent.' Time: 15 Minutes Let Me Tell You What I Can Do Purpose: To illustrate the importance of telling people what you can do and not what you can't. Goal: To help participants think creatively about how they can avoid saying no. Materials Needed: None Directions: Have the participants stand in a circle. Tell each of them that they will ask another member of the class for something that he or she cannot say yes to. That person must then come up with an appropriate response.

When that round is complete, the responder then makes a request of someone else. For example, I want filet mignon for lunch. Gtr2 Fia Gt3 2011 Mod Download here.

The person receiving that information must then respond with alternatives. The cafeteria has a variety of options. While I've never found filet mignon on the menu, they do have a wonderful beef salad. The more outlandish the requests, the more creative the responses must be. Usually there will be one or two people who cause an outburst of laughter from the group. Debrief: From this exercise participants should discover that they can find ways to offer alternatives to any request no matter how ridiculous. Nobody likes to hear about what they can't have.

Customers feel more valued if you provide suggestions and alternatives. When the exercise is complete, you can continue the learning point by having the members of the group list the types of requests to which they typically say no. From there, have the group brainstorm alternatives to offer in the future.

Time: 20 Minutes Explain Yourself Purpose: To show participants the value of explaining to customers what you are doing before you take action. Goal: To increase participant awareness of fear of the unknown. Materials Needed: Ruler, scarf, gloves, and earmuffs. Directions: Ask for two volunteers. Explain that you will not hurt anyone, but you will be placing items of clothing on each of them. You will take each through a similar exercise. When interacting with the first, you will be polite but provide no explanation for your actions.

Thank the first participant for volunteering. Then bend down and remove his or her shoes and measure both feet. When done, place the gloves on the person's hands. Next add a scarf and the earmuffs. When done, remove the items you have added.

Now ask the participant how he or she felt during the exercise. Once you have gathered that feedback, move on to the second volunteer. This time, however, explain that you are taking measurements for winter gear and that you want to be sure that you get a proper fit. Ask the volunteer to remove his or her shoe. Tell this person what you will measure before you measure, and so forth. Keep talking throughout the activity. When done, ask the volunteer and the class to comment on the difference between the two approaches.

Note: You can easily alter this exercise to work in different environments. Instead of dressing the volunteers, you could ask them a series of questions. For example, what colors do you like? Or where would you like to travel? With the first volunteer you simply ask the questions.

With the second, you would provide reasons. For instance, 'We are planning on painting your office area. What colors do you like?' Or, 'We are considering you for a three-month out-of-town assignment. Where might you like to go?' Debrief: What the participants should discover through this exercise is that explanations are important. Customers react better and cooperate when they are informed and understand the reasons behind your questions or actions.

For example, if you are running this exercise with a group of repair technicians you might use the example of repairing a customer's dishwasher. Jones, so that I am able to troubleshoot accurately to figure out why the dishwasher isn't cleaning the way it used to, I need to ask you some questions. When did it start acting up? Are you able to hear anything different? And so forth. Time: 15 Minutes Information Connection Purpose: To illustrate the difficulty of communicating information when there is noise in the process. Goal: To encourage customer service representatives to ask questions to confirm information.

Materials Needed: Pen and paper for each participant. Directions: This game is similar to the old telephone message game. Have the group stand in a circle. Start with a message written down on a card.

Show the card to the person to your left (person one). He or she must then whisper that message into the ear of the person to his or her left. After doing so, person one should write down what was said. The process continues until the message makes its way around the room.

When the last person writes down what was said, compare that text to your original message. Chances are the message was altered in some way. Sample Message: I need bananas, seafood, glue, a clock, netting, a laptop, fishing line, and a helmet in my suitcase for my trip to Central Asia. I also need a new passport photo from the mall and ten dollars.

Debrief: This game allows you to make several points. First, it is important to verify information. Second, it is hard to keep track of a lot of details in your head, which is why it is a good idea to take advantage of any tools provided in the workplace to improve accuracy. It would have been much easier to keep the message straight if the original card were passed to each person to read. Third, the more familiar we are with a subject, the easier it is to keep information straight. The items on the list do not have an obvious connection.

Once you have made your points, have the group describe how they currently confirm information they hear from their customers. What could they do better?

Where do they most often see communication breakdowns? Time:15 Minutes The Easy Way Purpose: To illustrate that environment is important in customer service. All else being equal, people will choose to be in a place where they are comfortable. Goal: To increase awareness of creating and maintaining a customer-friendly environment. Materials Needed: Masking Tape, Watch with a Second Hand Directions: Divide the training room into four quadrants using masking tape. Have the participant count off one, two, three, four, one, two, three, etc. Put each group into the quadrant that corresponds to their respective number.

Assign the following actions to each group: (1) Talking nonstop without listening. (2) Repeatedly touching or trying to touch your toes.

(3) Repeating the alphabet. (4) Having normal conversation. Explain that you will ask each group to engage in the actions described. Then, after 30 seconds have passed, people may choose a different quadrant.

After 30 more seconds you will announce another switch. Play the game for five minutes calling time for a switch every 30 seconds. The only rule is that participants must be in each box once.

After spending time in each box, they may choose to continue moving or just select a box to stay in. Debrief: You should discover that by the end of the game, most people are in the fourth box.

The learning point here is all else being equal, customers will choose to be in the environment that is easiest and most pleasant for them. What can the group do for customers to improve the environments in which they provide service?

Are there practices currently in place that customers find irritating? Time: 20 Minutes.

Impact Factory runs and Fully Designed Licensed Accredited packages Customer Service A Guide For Customer Service Training Tools Let's face it, good customer service can make or break a company. Even if the product is top-notch, if the sales representatives don't have great customer service skills, it doesn't matter. Customer service should be a number one priority to any business. But how do you train sales staff to be good at customer service? Gli Stagisti Download Ita Dvd Ripper. Involves many things. It requires a great attitude, a knowledge of the business, and a real desire to help the customer get what they want, and provide it in a manner that is positive so that they come back and refer their friends and family to the business, as well. There are a wide variety of customer service training tools available.

The key is to find out which type of training best fits your needs. One type of training tool that is good for many kinds of businesses is using video training. Video training is very cost effective. Video training involves a one time cost for the training videos and other materials. Video training is available in a variety of medias, including VHS, DVD and CD-ROM.

This makes it user friendly and will work with whatever system you currently have. Video training can be done with a group or sent home with an employee for some self-study at home. The videos give concrete learning skills and display scenarios to help employees identify what type of customer service skills are needed in any situation. These types of training videos often include simple tips for improving customer service, activities for team building and confidence, and role-playing ideas so that employees can practice the skills they just viewed.

It can also provide motivational tips to keep employees enthusiastic about customer service. Another advantage of video training is that you can train employees now, and other employees in the future. If you feel like your employees need a refresher course on some aspect of good customer service, you can show it immediately, without waiting to book a trainer.

These are the kind of tools that work anytime, anywhere, which saves time and money for the business owner. Finding a company that sells these kinds of customer service training tools is as easy as connecting to the Internet. There are a ton of companies that offer video training. Many will allow you to view the videos before purchase so that you can decide which format would be best suited for your business and employees. The videos are reasonably priced to fit within any budget, and often you can purchase just one or two videos or an entire training course.

It’s up to you. Now, teaching your employees how to provide excellent customer service has just gotten a lot easier. This article was contributed by Bob Hett Bob Hett offers great tips and advice regarding all aspects of training tools and videos. Read more about Impact Factory's in London Impact Factory runs and Fully Designed Licensed Accredited packages.