Waldorf Blofeld Software Editor
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I've seen some youtube videos on how to create patches. One more thing I did was find a software editor for the Blofeld. Zum Beladen des Sample-RAM gibt es die Software mit Namen. Propellerhead Software have released Reason 9.2. All Software; App; Audio Editor; Control Surface; DAW. Midi Editor for the Waldorf.
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Borderlands 2 Goty Repack Mr Dj Play. Link posts without a comment from the original poster will be removed at the moderators discretion. • USE THE WHAT SHOULD I BUY STICKIE ~ If you are looking for your first synth, checkout out the What Should I Buy thread, the links in the sidebar and search this subreddit. Please don't make an 'I have $x, what should I get' post if you haven't searched (and please don't let that be your first post here). WSIB posts will be removed at the moderators discretion.
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Here are: Looking for your first SOFTWARE synth? • Check out the user-generated document (started by ): • Looking for your first HARDWARE synth?
• First, check out the user-generated spreadsheets (started by ): • • • The Analog Synth Guides (by ) for recent analog synths: • • • • • On eBay select the ' option to see the going rate • Current Sales: • • • • Weekly Threads: • • Let's Talk: • • • • • • • AMAs: Learning Resources: • by • • by • • Related Subreddits: Gear and Software: • • • • • • • • • • • Music and Synthesis: • • • • • • • • Related Sites: Discord/IRC: Reference: • • • • • • Instructions and Manuals: • • • • • •. I've used both the free and the commercial monstrumFeld editor. The monstrum one looks really nice and works fine once you have it all set up, but configuring the VST version of the editor requires a lot of extra steps compared to the free one, and several of the steps you have to make every time you load up a project with the editor in it. Also, the author can be very slow to respond to support requests (as in, weeks). All editors have certain limitations, apparently due to Waldorf's occasionally spotty MIDI implementations. Like if I edit a patch with the Blofeld editor I think I have to actually go to the hardware when I want to save it?
Been a while. I only was interested in editors because my HW synths are on the other side of the room from where my computer is, and I wanted a way to program them without having to get up from my desk.
I actually really like programming the Blofeld from the hardware (it's a walk in the park compared to all my old Roland rack units). So far I'm really on the fence about how useful the software editors are. The monstrum one, especially, so far has been more trouble than it's worth.
After i bought the blofeld (out of regret for selling my microwaveXT a few years before) it took me no time at all to figure the machine out. The thing i missed tho was a decent editor. I stopped using it for a while as i got lazy being used to having editors for hardware synths that actually work. Last saturday i finally stumbled upon what might be the only proper editor out there this thing just makes sense, everything is where it should be and to top it of it's not made by some money grabbing company but by an actual musician. Which is prolly the reason why it works so well.
Turned out it was made by one of the guys from stromkern, i saw them live when i went out to see VAC live the only time they ever played in holland. This was kinda mindblowing, a vst controller made by a musician for musicians, this is what we need more of, it's logical and working (apart from a few thingy things that are firmware related as waldorf just released the FINAL firmware update for the blofeld, tho something tells me there whil be a follow up to this FINAL version as i noticed some things dont work as proper as they should, but hell atleast it bloody saves my presets unlike a certain tetr4 that would rather explode than save presets (yeah i went to a mopho as this one simply does simple work as it should) but i digress.
The editor is cross platform and it's buy one platform = get all platforms, unlike some other companies that will charge you extra for having all os versions when you work cross platform as i do with FL-studio and Logic (yeah both on an imac, OMG he's using windows on an imac, sue me, with ponytail if possible, peggy sue reference right there, way to analog prolly) anyways this is a sure recommender if you're looking for an editor for the blofeld, he also made on for the pulse2, microwave2/xt (oh how i miss it) and rocket. This guy knows what he's doing and he's doing a damn fine job http://www.monstrummedia.com/software.html. 4 times as cheap (12 euro) full ableton and push integration mutating functionality Features: - bi-directional control of every parameter of the Blofeld (which are many!) - full sysex support in ableton live without an external router!
- randomizer and initialisor per module - patch mutator (allows for mutating current values by percentage) - editor auto-updates to hardware (including patch name!) - choose midi in and out ports. - set a new patch name from within the editor using your keyboard - load and save patches from and to your harddrive from within the editor - load a random patch from the blofeld (one of the 1024 patches) - create a dirty patch name at the press of a button (3600 possible swearing combinations included!) - free updates for life. After i bought the blofeld (out of regret for selling my microwaveXT a few years before) it took me no time at all to figure the machine out. The thing i missed tho was a decent editor. I stopped using it for a while as i got lazy being used to having editors for hardware synths that actually work. Last saturday i finally stumbled upon what might be the only proper editor out there this thing just makes sense, everything is where it should be and to top it of it's not made by some money grabbing company but by an actual musician. Which is prolly the reason why it works so well.
Turned out it was made by one of the guys from stromkern, i saw them live when i went out to see VAC live the only time they ever played in holland. This was kinda mindblowing, a vst controller made by a musician for musicians, this is what we need more of, it's logical and working (apart from a few thingy things that are firmware related as waldorf just released the FINAL firmware update for the blofeld, tho something tells me there whil be a follow up to this FINAL version as i noticed some things dont work as proper as they should, but hell atleast it bloody saves my presets unlike a certain tetr4 that would rather explode than save presets (yeah i went to a mopho as this one simply does simple work as it should) but i digress. The editor is cross platform and it's buy one platform = get all platforms, unlike some other companies that will charge you extra for having all os versions when you work cross platform as i do with FL-studio and Logic (yeah both on an imac, OMG he's using windows on an imac, sue me, with ponytail if possible, peggy sue reference right there, way to analog prolly) anyways this is a sure recommender if you're looking for an editor for the blofeld, he also made on for the pulse2, microwave2/xt (oh how i miss it) and rocket. This guy knows what he's doing and he's doing a damn fine job http://www.monstrummedia.com/software.html. Yeah i have looked at those but being a cross platform user i like my vsts the same on osx (for post production) as on windows (for producing, yeah i like FL studio) and this one offered both and even a linux version for 1 price. I'm also someone that like looks and the look and feel of the monstrumfeld is just good, eveything is where you expect it to be but this being a free country i cant force anybody into liking what i like (would be awesome tho, would boost up my cd sales like crazy, on the other hand it would tend to get boring).
Also this one is being kept up to date and adapts to new firmware and since we're talking about the blofeld we all know it took a long time for it to get a proper one and the vst from 2010 is prolly not working all to well anymore with all the changes that have been made since the 1.1x firmware. Anyways it's just my opninion, i like stuff that is clear and easy on my eyes as i tend to stare at 3 screens for about 16h or more a day (if i get any sleep, insomnia anybody?